Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea EPUB & PDF

Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea EPUB & PDF

Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amy Lea
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Coming of Age Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

One month until prom
Prom is the single most important night of a teenager’s life, and you
can’t convince me otherwise. I know what you’re thinking—it’s
overhyped, the same as any other dance. And sure, there are infinite ways it
can go horribly wrong:

Your date could ditch you for their more attractive ex, leaving you
to brood in a dark corner while everyone else slow dances to the
song you requested.
The cleavage-enhancing silicone inserts you stuffed into your bra
could fall out when you get a little too low on the dance floor. (Ask
me how I know.)
A drunk band nerd could projectile vomit cherry punch all over
your dress.

You could spend the entire night chasing down the disease-ridden
lab rat someone set loose while everyone watches in horror.
Things can really go from zero to tragic in a millisecond. Trust, I’ve
seen the original Carrie movie. But bloodied, telekinetic, murderous prom
queen aside, name a better occasion to mark the end of four tireless years of
social and academic Olympics. It’s the rite of passage we deserve.

fabulous night to trade in those tearstained SAT prep books for outrageously
priced formal wear you’ll never wear again. One night to forget being
unjustly denied from your dream college. Your final night to be a teen,
before adulthood drop-kicks you in the privates.

As the student council vice president, executing a magical night to
cherish fondly when I’m wrinkled, frail, and demanding a senior discount
on my rum raisin ice cream is not something I take lightly.
That’s why I’ve spent all weekend obsessing over my PowerPoint
presentation: Around the World in One Magical Night. It comes complete
with an itemized budget, food vendors, and lists of highly rated DJs and
decor items, including translucent globe balloons etched with gold foil that
shimmer when the light hits just right.

I’m at the kitchen table agonizing over the font color when Mom
shuffles in, disheveled sandy-blonde hair in a french braid from two days
ago. She’s still in her pajamas, even though she has to be at work at the
pharmacy in less than half an hour.

“How long have you been awake?” she asks, popping onto her toes to
fetch her red FUTURE BESTSELLING AUTHOR coffee mug from the cabinet.
She hasn’t published a book yet, but I often find her hunched over her
laptop late into the night, guzzling Red Bulls, typing feverishly until her
eyes give out.

“I was in bed early. Got up around the same time you went to sleep,” I
counter, stuffing my face with a spoonful of oatmeal when I catch the time
on my computer.

“These bags under my eyes were worth it. Guess what?” I catch the
excitement in her expression, and it’s not about the fact that I premade her
coffee. “I finally untangled that plot bunny in the second act.”
“Wanna tell me in the car? We have to leave soon,” I remind her as she

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