Wiseguy (CARRILLO RANCH #1) by Rain Carrington EPUB & PDF

Wiseguy (CARRILLO RANCH #1) by Rain Carrington EPUB & PDF

Wiseguy (CARRILLO RANCH #1) by Rain Carrington EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rain Carrington
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.5 MB
  • Price: Free

They were building a resort. A massive resort, a place where men could
get away from city living and have some fun, and at night, head to the kink
club disguised as a barn. That was the hope and dream of the smooth Italian
man walking on the dark ranch that first night.

Dante Carrillo. The man was known far and wide for his beauty, his
temper, and his sophistication. The co-head of the most powerful mafia
family in the western United States overcame his sexuality in a world of
macho, man’s man enthusiasts, to cause those brutal men to cower in his

No one blinked an eye any longer, no one spoke bigoted slurs behind his
back. And only Antonio, his beloved brother, and his treasured husband,
Blaine, were able to get into his head once he was set on a course of action.
A special swagger in his step was his trademark. His impeccable taste in
the finest clothes was envied. He was one of a kind, but even he could have
self-doubts and insecurities. That was also where Blaine shined on him.

He was wearing a dark suit, Armani, and Prada shoes that were no longer
shiny after walking in the dust around the ranch. When he wore clothes
such as what he had on that night, he felt more confident. He was there to
impress, sure, but when he wore fine silks, linens, and wools, they were
shields around him. Blaine had wiped a bit of saliva from the corner of his
mouth when Dante had walked out of the small bedroom of the trailer
where they stayed until their home was built. Maybe, after all these years,
he wore the suits for Blaine. There was never a time that Blaine didn’t show
his appreciation of Dante’s clothes.

Blaine had many shields. He’d been a shy man when Dante had met him
fifteen years earlier. He was so shy that he was terrified to say a word most
of the time. From that young, fragile man grew a beautiful being that smiled
on the world and brought peace and happiness to all that were near him. He
was blond, sweet, with subtle brown eyes that were lined in a gold that
shone brightly. He was still the only one that could make him stop in his
tracks and swoon. Overcoming so much, he had become even stronger than
Dante in so many ways. Admiring him was easy. Living up to him was
much harder.

So, with his shield of fine clothing around him and his hero walking
beside him, he headed for the bunkhouse of the ranch.

The bunkhouse was buzzing as he neared it with his bodyguard walking
just paces behind him and Blaine. Bruno Cassavetes was the best
bodyguard in the business and his life was dedicated to Dante and Blaine.
Tall, imposing, handsome, and smart, he moved in front of them to look
into the bunkhouse to assure it was safe for Dante’s entry.

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