Winter’s Muse by Lia Fine EPUB & PDF

Winter’s Muse by Lia Fine EPUB & PDF

Winter’s Muse by Lia Fine EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Lia Fine
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Billionaire Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


I softly squinted my eyes and tossed over to the other side of my bed as my
alarm blared from my phone. I groaned softly and pulled the fluffy blanket
over my ears, hoping I could ignore my alarm for a few more minutes. But
there was no use. I was trying my hand at that new ‘healthy habits’ trend, so
I had the glorious idea of keeping my phone on my desk so that I had to get
up to shut off my alarm. Someone said that would help to incorporate
healthy habits, but right now? It just pissed me off. Another groan emitted
from my lips, and I kicked away my blanket, stomping over to my phone
and pressing the gray ‘stop’ button with an unnecessary amount of pressure.
I dragged my hands over my tired eyes, trying to rub them open.

A small yawn spilled from my lips while my eyes slowly adjusted to the
light coming in from outside. As I put my phone back down, I took a peek
outside the window that’s right above my desk, opening it to let some fresh
air in. My eyes took in the view outside, and I couldn’t help but smile as I
tiredly observed my sleepy neighborhood. It was almost comical to see how
my neighbors were already switching seasons. Only yesterday, we
celebrated Halloween. My best friend Lauren and I spent most of last night
entertaining all the trick-or-treaters, providing them with all sorts of candy.

And now, only a few hours later, everyone was rushing to remove their
Halloween decorations, exchanging them for Christmas ones as the
calendar now shows November first. My elderly neighbor, Mrs. Johnson,
was already inflating her 5-foot-tall plastic Snowman, the electrical air
pump echoing through our small street. The Family living a bit further
down was occupied too, with the Children carrying the pumpkins inside as
their mom sprayed fake snow onto their windows and their dad put up the
Christmas lights, balancing on their red stone roof. He didn’t look thrilled,
and I turned away from the Window, as I definitely did not want to witness
Mr. McGee falling off his own roof.

And even though the hurry they were in to replace Halloween with
Christmas made me chuckle, I couldn’t say that I minded the change of
wind. I was more than willing to swap my pumpkin spice lattes for some
good old hot chocolate at this point. Though, a bit of melancholy panged
through my chest as the thought crossed my mind that this would be the last
Christmas season in Maplewood Hills for me, as soon as the year ends, and
we’re entering January, I’d be sitting on a plane to New York, leaving my
life here behind. And yes, while I knew this would be for the best,
especially when it came to my career, I loved Maplewood Hills. And having
to leave did tear my heart a little.

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