Wicked Scandal by Rachel Leigh EPUB & PDF

Wicked Scandal (MISFITS #2) by Rachel Leigh EPUB & PDF

Wicked Scandal (MISFITS #2) by Rachel Leigh EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rachel Leigh
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

May 8, 2024
Present Day
“It’s with extreme pleasure and elation that I announce my candidacy as
mayor of Willow Creek.” Dad takes a step back from the podium, basking
in the excitement coming from the residents gathered beneath the stage. I
watch from the side with my family as he begins to read the speech I helped
him write.

When he announces the big changes he wants to make, I clap my hands,
along with my siblings, though my thoughts are anywhere but here.
“Not only do I have the support of my loving wife, but also the support
of my sons, Wilder, Rome, Callan, and Sayer. As well as my stepdaughters,
Elodie, Brogan, and Lake. With them, and all of you by my side, we can do
this.” His voice booms as he shouts, bringing the crowd to life. “Let’s make
Willow Creek the best damn town around.”
The cluster of residents burst into a frenzy of cheers and chants. Celia,
my stepmom, pats my dad on the back. Her support and love for my dad’s
endeavor doesn’t go unnoticed.

With my hand in my pocket, I pull my phone out slightly with my
SnapTok account on display. I look at the comments of a video I posted this
morning, a grin tugging at my mouth. It was a silly video—just me
mouthing the words to a viral sound about living with your parents. The
comments are unreal, though. Two hundred of them so far. But one in
particular stands out to me.

Lifting my eyes to my dad as he continues speaking, I nod subtly as if
I’m agreeing with everything he says, when in reality, I’m not even paying

The hot spring sun is beating down on me while sweat dribbles down
my back beneath my long-sleeved white button-up shirt. We’ve been
standing here for twenty minutes, doing absolutely nothing while my dad
talks. I know I shouldn’t be reading my comments right now, but this
speech is boring as fuck. Not to mention, I have read and heard it at least
fifty times by now.

Staring at the three dotted hearts in the comment of the girl whose
profile caught my eye, I find myself smiling.
I don’t know who she is, other than her profile name is CatEyes. After
chatting with her a bit, I found out she lives in Willow Creek, and she
doesn’t make her own content. Her profile picture is an image of a black
dragonfly tattoo with the words “still I rise.” I’m not sure if it’s hers, or if
it’s just a picture, but it’s catchy.

She’s been persistent on keeping her identity a secret, so I’ve respected
her privacy. But I’ve really enjoyed our conversations. She seems very
mature and a bit mysterious, which I dig.

Rome, my twin my brother, nudges me. “Put your phone away,” he grits
out, as if he has any sort of authority over me.

I sigh, the sound barely audible as I give my phone one last look. Just as
I tap the like button on her comment, Rome nudges me again, this time
harder, and somehow the volume on my phone goes all the way up, playing
the sound on the video.

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