Where the River Meets the Skye by Felicity Snow EPUB & PDF

Where the River Meets the Skye by Felicity Snow EPUB & PDF

Where the River Meets the Skye by Felicity Snow EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Felicity Snow
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Skyelar Mckenzie walked in the front door of his condo and set his
messenger bag on the chair next to him. His keys went in the small square
basket on the table next to the door, before he kicked his shoes off, and ran
his fingers through his blond waves. His feet were aching from standing all
day in those stupid dress shoes, and his low back was complaining, too. At
twenty eight he was still fairly young, but some days he felt closer to forty.

Stretching his back, he heard it pop, then rubbed the back of his neck
with his hand. He’d gotten home a little later than usual today. The teachers
meeting (that should have been an email) had taken much longer than
necessary, he’d gotten a flat tire on the way home, and he was most
definitely not looking forward to the stack of papers he still had to grade.
When he glanced at the clock on the wall it read half past six, but his body
told him that it was so much later.

God, he was getting old. He could remember ten years ago, staying up
until two in the morning and still making it to his ten am classes, partying
night after night. How the hell had he been able to do that? Now he was
ready for bed by ten most nights. Midnight if he was being really wild.

His roommate wasn’t home yet. His keys weren’t in the basket next to
Skye’s, nor were his shoes by the door. His car wasn’t in the driveway
either, which was odd because River was always home by six thirty. Skye
decided he would give it a few more minutes and then text his friend.
River was pretty much Skye’s polar opposite, but despite their vast
differences, they’d been best friends and roommates since their freshman
year of college.

River considered exercising a hobby and loved to go running, biking,
and rock climbing. He enjoyed eating vegetables, which Skye still couldn’t
understand. He could spend hours outside, relaxing, reading, or scrolling
through his phone, soaking up the sun, whereas Skye had discovered his
allergy to bugs and dirt a long time ago. It was definitely a thing. He was

River also enjoyed decorating, so Skye had let him take over in that
department when they’d moved in together five years ago. He hadn’t a clue
about such things. If left up to him, the walls of their condo would still be
barren. But River had made it a home, with the art on the walls, throw
pillows, blankets, and little knick-knacks on the side tables and shelves,
along with photos of the two of them and their families scattered about.

Skye smiled as he walked into his bedroom and slipped off his tie. He
stripped off his dress clothes and changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt as
his mind wandered back to that first meeting with River all those years ago.

Skye was expecting the tall, dark-haired guy, whom he was assuming was
his roommate, to introduce himself when he entered the dorm room and
started making noise as he unpacked. But the young man just kept pulling

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