When Swans Dance by Katie Eagan Schenck EPUB & PDF

When Swans Dance by Katie Eagan Schenck EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Katie Eagan Schenck
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.2 MB
  • Price: Free

SHAKESPEARE ONCE WROTE, “THE course of true love ne’er did run
smooth.” Steven McAllister shook his head with a smirk. No offense to the
old bard, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. Maybe wedding planning
hadn’t been going as well as Steven had hoped, but things were coming
along, although slower than Rose might prefer. What’s that other saying?
Slow and steady something or other? Whatever it was, it worked for him.

He leaned back in his office chair and rubbed his eyes. A divorce petition
glowed on his screen as if mocking him for working late. When had it
gotten so dark? Early June usually meant daylight lasted well into the
evening, but the sun seemed to have disappeared. He glanced at the clock
and groaned. Rose was going to kill him.
As if on cue, his phone buzzed. Stifling another groan, he clicked the

Where are you?
To his surprise, it was from his sister. He smiled as he settled deeper into
the seat cushion. Lanie was helping Rose with final alterations on her dress
before the meeting with the caterer, which put her in the perfect position to
stall. He would have to tread carefully, or else he’d press his luck.
Finishing up at work. Be there in 15.

More like a half hour, but Lanie wouldn’t mind. The three of them were
meeting with the caterer to make final selections on what would be served
at the wedding. He could hardly believe that in just over three months, he
would be a married man.

But he was ready. He’d never had one doubt about Rose. She’d come into
his life just when he needed her the most, stayed through his mother’s awful
illness, and even helped Lanie through the turbulence of settling the estate.
After the past year, they deserved some happiness.

With a sigh, he reread the last stipulation his client had insisted be added.
Opposing counsel would never agree to it, with good reason. His client
wanted to sell the house, but it was the soon-to-be-ex-wife’s childhood
home, which she had inherited long before they were married. Steven had
tried explaining that, but it had fallen on deaf ears, much like the other legal
advice he had given that particular client.

Oh well. He’d promised the client he would try, though it was a waste of
everyone’s time. As soon as that divorce was over, he hoped to never hear
the name Willoughby again. But he knew better. A small-town attorney
didn’t have a lot of say in who hired him, and Cedar Haven definitely
qualified as a small town.

Situated in southern Maryland and about an hour outside of DC, it was
barely a pinprick on the state map. But it was Steven’s hometown, where
he’d been born and raised. And he was proud to have opened his law
practice there, despite the lack of choice when it came to his clientele.

Steven raised his arms over his head and stretched, working the kinks out
of his back. After saving the latest draft and forwarding it to his client for
approval, he closed his laptop and stood. Work had kept him from his
beloved long enough.

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