When Love Blooms in Paris by Helen Row Toews EPUB & PDF

When Love Blooms in Paris by Helen Row Toews EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Helen Row Toews
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Lyam was gone. Gabrielle sat cross-legged on the cold cement of her tiny
Parisian balcony with her eyes tightly closed, rocking back and forth.
She took a deep shuddering breath, scrubbing at tears long since dried on
cheeks that ached from the force of her pain and anger.

There was frost in the air. She shivered, but the chill that seeped into her
bones went unheeded. On the streets beyond the black iron railings that
surrounded her, twilight fell like a damp blanket. The fading light of a cold
February evening marked the desolation of her heart.
Lyam was gone, yes, but she had ended it, not him. After listening to
what Gabrielle had to say, the police took him away. She reached for her

Two months later
Gabrielle stared at grey sheets of rain that splashed into puddles outside
the café window. She watched as people hunched under bobbing umbrellas
of all colours and sizes, hurrying to escape the deluge. Leaden clouds hung
over Paris. Sidewalks glistened, and cars drove slowly, their headlights
creating beacons of light in the rainy gloom.

Yet, a scent of spring was in the air. The smell of damp earth and the
regeneration of leaves, grass, and flowers soon to bloom again in dormant
gardens, wafted through the door each time it opened, welcoming in a
soggy customer.

Gabrielle warmed her hands around a hot glass of mulled wine,
glancing hopefully at a fire burning in the hearth not far from where she sat.
But it was mostly for show. Very little heat reached her small round table.
With a sigh, she closed the heavy book she’d been reading.

Steam rose from the beverage as she lifted it to her mouth, breathing
deeply to fill her senses with the sweet, spicy scent of orange peel, cloves,
and cinnamon. Tipping the glass, she allowed it to trickle down her throat,
thawing her from the inside out. She closed her eyes.

It wouldn’t be a good idea to sit here too long, she mused. Moving to
check the time on her phone, Gabrielle looked down at her favourite mossgreen cardigan. She knew it went well with her mane of ebony hair often
twined into a thick braid running the length of her back. Though today she
wore it down as an extra layer of warmth. The weather wasn’t supposed to
be this cold. The forecast had been clear. It was meant to be spring-like
outside, as warm as summer. But then the rain had started, preceded by a
rumble in the sky. Now, even the trees outside were cowering and the
sidewalk tables were dripping and desolate.

It was dark for two o’clock on a quiet Saturday. She wrapped her
sweater around her, shrugged deeper into her jacket, and zipped it to the
top. How she wished she’d grabbed her winter coat before dashing down the
street for this much needed respite. The idea was to get some fresh air
before heading home to study for final exams, not freeze to death.

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