When a Gangsta Wants You by Jade Jones EPUB & PDF

When a Gangsta Wants You by Jade Jones EPUB & PDF

When a Gangsta Wants You by Jade Jones EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Full Book Name: When a Gangsta Wants You
  • Author Name: Jade Jones
  • Book Genre:
  • Series Detail:
  • ISBN #
  • ASIN # B0CW14N792
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: May 30, 2024
  • PDF File Size: 2.0 MB
  • EPUB File Size: 2.1 MB

Staring out at the playground full of kids screaming
and playing, Haylee wondered when the last time was that
she had felt that light and carefree. She wondered when the
last time was that she had even smiled. She couldn’t
remember. There hadn’t been anything to smile about for
several months. Sure, she had kept a fake smile on her face
so no one would know anything was wrong. But the smiles
of the kids on the playground were real and genuine as they
played with their friends, smiling and laughing as though
they didn’t have a care in the world. What she wouldn’t give
to be able to play like that.

Wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm in
the cool spring air, her mind spun with more questions than
answers. How was she going to get out of the situation she
was in? What would he do? Where would she work? Where
would she live? She had none of the answers that she
needed but she knew she couldn’t go on with her life the
way it had been going. She wouldn’t survive. Her stomach
turned at the thought, but she knew the truth of it. He would
eventually kill her if she didn’t get away from him.

Tim Parker had been a dream when she’d first met
him. He was clean cut, sophisticated and said all the right
things that made her melt at his feet. They met while she
was attending UCLA and interning at Newsday Newspaper in
San Bernardino as an assistant editor. Tim was the editor-inchief and he seemed to take to her as soon as they met. By
the end of her first week, he’d asked her to dinner, and she
was so excited to be asked out by someone successful and
smart, that she didn’t notice any red flags in the beginning.
It turned out he was just really good at keeping them hidden
until he had her living under his roof.

In the beginning he was attentive and loving,
constantly giving her compliments, and bringing her
flowers. When she graduated from college, she got a fulltime job at the newspaper and he asked her to move in with
him, telling her that since she had to move out of her dorm
anyway, there was no point in getting her own place when
they were together all the time already. She agreed without
hesitation and moved into his house.

Things changed slowly. It began with comments about
how she should change her appearance and style. Instead
of complimenting her when she got dressed up to go out
with him, he would tell her that he didn’t like her hair the
way it was, or that she wasn’t dressed “sexy” enough. She
tried to please him, tried to adapt to his wants and needs
but it was never good enough for him.

He found something
negative to say about everything. Her cooking was too
bland, her clothes were boring, she didn’t clean the house
spotlessly enough, she was too needy, too immature, too
much of something or not enough of something else.

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