What You Leave Behind by Wanda M. Morris EPUB & PDF

What You Leave Behind by Wanda M. Morris EPUB & PDF

What You Leave Behind by Wanda M. Morris EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Wanda M. Morris
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Thriller / Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Dead people don’t talk to the living.
It should have been like any other drive out to the island to hear her
voice. Simply get in the car and ride and ride until the tears blurred my
vision, making it impossible for me to see and forcing me to pull over to the
side of the road. On really bad days, I’d drive for over an hour, sometimes
winding up in a different city or town. Street signs and landmarks shifting
in the periphery as I went chasing after someone I couldn’t see or touch.
Once, I drove all the way to Savannah from Daddy’s house in Brunswick.
But I never once went to the cemetery where she was buried because, to
me, she wasn’t in some dark hole in the ground. She was with me. I needed
to believe that or else I would die too.

Depending on the day, sometimes I’d go to a park to sit and listen to the
brief voicemails she’d left on my phone. I only had a few because it was
rare that I didn’t pick up a call from her. Even if I was in a meeting, I picked
up her calls.

Now, I relied on the soft fragments of brain tissue that conjured up
memories and the deep well of despair in my heart to connect me to the
woman I cherished more than anyone else in the world.
Elizabeth Wood.

Libby to her family and friends.
Ma to me.
Her death had landed like a boxer’s blow inside my chest, sweeping
away my breath and bringing me to my knees. A year later and I was still
having a hard time navigating the indescribable grief because the person
who usually helped me through any heartache I ever had was now the
source of it.

Shortly after she died, I’d swear I could still hear her voice. The cadence
of it as she talked about some church gossip or giggled at some joke Daddy
had told her. It was silly, I know. Maybe it was some sort of grieving
mechanism to get me through. When you’re a grown woman and you lose a
parent, people expect you to power through the grief. You have a job,
responsibilities. You’re an adult. You’re supposed to know that death is a
part of life. And if you looked at me, on the outside, I was all that. But on
the inside, I was a broken mess.

And if losing Ma wasn’t enough, that imaginary boxer hit me with a onetwo combo. Six months after Ma’s death, Lance came home one night,
quietly ate dinner with me, and then proceeded to tell me he was filing for
divorce. He told me I wasn’t the same since Ma’s death. Who is after you
lose someone you love? The truth of the matter is that Lance was exactly
the same. Things I had stupidly tolerated before as a small ripple in our
marriage—flirtatious interactions with restaurant waitstaff, women we

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