What We Can’t Have by Selina Violet EPUB & PDF

What We Can’t Have (HOLLYWOOD HOT SHOTS #1) by Selina Violet EPUB & PDF

What We Can’t Have (HOLLYWOOD HOT SHOTS #1) by Selina Violet EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Selina Violet
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Just three more hours, then I’d be free. Why does time seem to move
slowest during the mundane moments? I flipped another row of burgers
on the grill. Eight hours of greasy torture on Saturdays felt like purgatory.
I took comfort knowing today I got to work with my best friend, Danny.

Having someone to share my misery at Burger Burger usually made the time
go faster. Not today. Lucky for us (not really), the store manager, Mr. Bolton—
or Mr. Potato Head, as we fondly referred to him—worked his one Saturday of
the month today. His giant mustache and potato-shaped physique made that
nickname too easy. His presence in the store meant we had to keep our usual
clowning around to a minimum.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and peeked over the top of the grill at
Danny. He got lucky with a short shift today but got stuck on sandwich
assembly duty. He used these giant hand-held condiment dispensers that
looked like a funnel with a lid and a hand grip. e order on the screen told
him which combination of goop to squirt on each burger.

His glasses kept
sliding down his freckled nose; he nudged them back up to his brown eyes
with the back of his wrist. He could have been the fifth member of the crew in
e Big Bang eory. Chess, comic books, superheroes, and cosplay—that was
Danny’s jam. Sports, riding dirt bikes like I did growing up—not his stuff at
all. He definitely didn’t look athletic. He’d stopped growing early, so he stood
on the short side. His sandy brown curls peeked out on the sides of his ball
cap. His hair already showed signs of thinning and receding. When he stood
next to his father, the genetic issues became clear.

“Where were you last night?” I said. “I thought we were working together.”
He didn’t answer me right away. He squirted the toppings on the bun,
wrapped the completed burger, and slid it down the shoot to the front counter.
e next order popped up when he touched the computer screen. I scraped the
cooked burgers off the sizzling grill onto my long spatula four at a time and
dropped them into a tray before sliding them into the warming oven.

“Last-minute date,” he said. “I switched with Brad for tomorrow.”
I grabbed another stack of frozen patties that crackled as I laid them in a row
on the grill. “I guess it’s okay for you to ditch me for a girl. Who did you try to

Danny cleared his throat. “Sydney Campbell.”
I popped up over the grill. “Don’t know her.” I stood there with the spatula
raised in my hand, waiting for Danny to elaborate.

“She’s sorority besties with Meghan. She set us up.”
Ugh, Meghan. I flipped the spatula a few times, mulling over this latest
information. “You sure this isn’t one of Meghan’s tricks? at’s one mean girl
without a soul. I smell something rotten in Denmark, buddy. Watch your back
on this one.”

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