What Happens in Sorrento by Gilli Bradley EPUB & PDF

What Happens in Sorrento (WHAT HAPPENS IN #1) by Gilli Bradley EPUB & PDF

What Happens in Sorrento (WHAT HAPPENS IN #1) by Gilli Bradley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Gilli Bradley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

Two years later…
The view from our Airbnb lounge balcony overlooked the Amalfi Coast.
A welcome surprise none of us had been expecting, but then with Eve’s
father having booked the house for us, it wasn’t surprising he only wanted
the best for his only daughter.

The expanse of the ice-blue water, Mt. Vesuvius imposing and grand in
the hazy distance told of ancient Roman civilizations, of grandeur and
history that had survived for thousands of years no matter the changes time
brought with it.

“Two years. Can you believe it’s been that long since we were in Europe
last?” Not that we made it to Sorrento after Ibiza, but still, it had been in our
plans. The sun dipped in the western horizon, kissing the ocean, announcing
dusk would soon be descending on the area.

Such a pretty burnt orange that you didn’t often see living in New York.
Concrete, noise, pollution, and people. Lots of people was all you ever saw
in that city, although it did have its good points too.
“If that brawl in Ibiza taught us anything, and Maddie only just making
it out of the nightclub alive, it’s to live in the moment and not take life for
granted. And now that we’re here, celebrating my cousin’s engagement to
Banker Bob, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” Eve rolled her suitcase
into her room.

“So who is Emma marrying again?” I asked, seeing the hotel a little
farther down the road from where we were to attend the engagement party
tonight. “By the looks of the hotel, Banker Bob is fancy.” I went back into
the lounge room and slumped onto the plush cushions. We had been
traveling for hours, and my eyes were itchy and sore from lack of sleep. I
closed them a moment, needing a little rest.

“His name is Robert Venguard, a banker or stockbroker, something
along those lines anyway, but he’s from London, and they wanted a
destination wedding. My family will only be here two weeks, but us ladies,
we get to enjoy Sorrento for two months. It’s going to be so much fun. I
can’t wait to hit the beach.”

I smiled, but my summer was destined to be a lot different than Eve’s
and Clara’s. They weren’t working like I would be, but it was a little
annoyance that was necessary to enjoy Europe with my two best friends. A
few hours a day working at the coffee house wouldn’t be so bad, and the
majority of time I could be at the beach as well.

“This is what you’re going to wear tonight, Maddie. I insist.”
I opened one eye to see what dress Clara was holding up. The latest
Gucci crystal-embroidered mini dress in black. I’d seen Clara wear it before
in New York and she knew I had salivated over it then. “That’s very short
for an engagement party.

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