Whale Harbor Adventures by Fiona Baker EPUB & PDF

Whale Harbor Adventures (SALTWATER SUNSETS #7) by Fiona Baker EPUB & PDF

Whale Harbor Adventures (SALTWATER SUNSETS #7) by Fiona Baker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Fiona Baker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Maybe it was a little bit silly, but sometimes, when she arrived at her real
estate office in the heart of Whale Harbor, Rhode Island, Lori Sims liked to
picture herself in a movie montage. She imagined it like in a film from the
‘80s, where the jangling of phones and the clacking of keyboards heralded
the start of a bright, new, productive day.

And yes, modern keyboards were a lot quieter, and everyone basically
used cell phones these days, even for business… but her heels still made
and intensely satisfying click-clack against the hardwood floors as she
entered the building. That was half the reason she even wore heels.
The other half was that they made her look and feel incredible.

Gosh. She loved her job.
“Good morning!” she called cheerfully to Byron, her receptionist, as she
entered the building. Byron was in his mid-forties and had been working
with Lori for over a decade. In that time, he’d gradually lost more and more
of his hair, something that didn’t seem to bother him a bit. He tended to
jokingly blame this on his three teenaged boys, who inspired the kind of
stories that made Lori grateful she’d only had girls.

“Morning, Lor,” he replied around his mug of coffee. “Good weekend?”
She nodded. “Had lunch with my girls.” Even this was enough to make
her smile. It had been several years since her older daughter, Darla, had
moved back from New York City and made Whale Harbor her home once
more, but Lori still felt a pang of gratitude at Darla’s return—and that they
had repaired their once-fractured relationship—every time she thought
about it.

“How about you?” she asked.
Byron gave a mock scowl, the expression out of place on a face marked
with laugh lines. “You want some free teenagers?” he joked.
She held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. “I did my time, By.

Now mine are grown and I get to enjoy the fruits of my labors.”
“And hopefully a grandbaby or two?” he added jokingly. Lori’s position
on her readiness for grandchildren was well-known.
“Or three or four or five,” she added in the same tone, which made him

“Don’t let your girls hear you talk like that, or they’ll accuse you of
meddling,” he teased.

“Bah!” she said with teasing dismissiveness, waving a hand over her
shoulder as she headed deeper into the building, making for her own office.

On the way she encountered the office’s newest hire, Jane Radford, a
woman in her late twenties that Lori had hired the previous year to serve as
the office’s finance officer. Jane was wonderful, sweet, and excellent at her
job… and it still hit Lori like a ton of bricks every time she realized she had
daughters older than the younger woman.

“Morning, Jane,” she greeted.
“Oh, hey, Lori,” Jane replied, stirring her coffee. “How was your

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