We Will Not Burn (THE CELESTIAL QUEENS #1) by Georgia Seren Mills EPUB & PDF

We Will Not Burn (THE CELESTIAL QUEENS #1) by Georgia Seren Mills EPUB & PDF

We Will Not Burn (THE CELESTIAL QUEENS #1) by Georgia Seren Mills EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Georgia Seren Mills
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“The sky was flooded with ash. The smell of death coated the inside
of my mouth. There was no hope.”
The sprawling fields stretched far beyond my gaze as we crested the hill. I
stared out at the open land, wondering how long it would be before I
saw it again. An orchestra of sweetly singing birds filled the sky as the
evening sun danced playfully along each blade of grass. Grass that tickled
my bare feet as I waded through it, grateful for a moment of peace in this
life full of chaos. The wind gently lifted the edge of my white dress and my
body, too, became one with the elements. I was wind and fire and earth all
at once.

“Finally,” Alias almost whispered from behind me, as if he had waited
years, rather than days, to be here.
We stared in silence at the place we discovered when we were only
children, the only place we called home.
“I’ll miss it,” Alias said. “Will you?”

“Of course I will,” I said looking back at him. “But we’ll see it again
soon enough,” I added, attempting to calm our combined nerves.
Alias glanced over at me before taking off into a run, sprinting through
the tall, dry grass like the careless child he once was. His laughter touched
my bones softly and I followed him moments later. I ran slowly, though,

fanning my arms out, wishing to touch every blade of grass I could reach.
The golden light bounced off Alias’s cropped, black hair as we laid on a
small patch of short grass, staring at the sky, wishing we could float away
with the clouds.

“No matter what happens tomorrow, I will always find my way back
you.” Alias spoke quietly, his strong voice sounding so much older than
only nineteen.

“I’m not worried,” I said. “They’ll have to draft us together.” I smiled,
but no matter how much gusto I pushed into my voice, even I could not
truly believe what I was saying.

Alias and I had different skills, we were different people. There was an
extremely high chance that we would be separated. I rested my head on the
grass and closed my eyes, sending up prayers to a Goddess I did not fully

As the night drew to a close, the sudden thought that everything would
change tomorrow dawned on me. Matron Clara was probably already done
packing our scarce belongings.

Come tomorrow, we would be drafted and sent to The Foothills to train.
Everything would be different. No more escaping the barracks or games.
No more hiding from Matron or the younger children that followed us
everywhere we went.

I reached out a hand and clamped it over Alias’s.
“We’ll be fine, Raya, we always are.” His words usually soothed me,
but today they didn’t.

The walk to Matron’s barracks was too short and too quiet, as though
we knew words were too much for a moment like this.

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