Watch Me by C.S. Berry EPUB & PDF

Watch Me by C.S. Berry EPUB & PDF

WATCH ME (PRIVATE LISTING #1) BY C.S. BERRY – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C.S. Berry
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Interview
“Madison Harris, here to interview at Morrigan Technology Group.” I
manage to get that out without so much as a tremor of desperation in my
voice. This is my fourth interview since graduation out of fifty resumes
sent. If I don’t find something soon, I’ll be forced to move back to my
parents’ farm and give up my dream of living and thriving in New York

The woman working at the front desk gives me a once-over before
pressing a button and holding her finger over her earpiece. “A Madison
Harris is here.” A brief pause. The woman looks me over again. “Yes.”
Shit, did I do a button wrong? I check my white blouse’s buttons are
done properly and that my pencil skirt hasn’t rotated around. Sure, one of
the buttons on my blouse is a little strained over my breasts, but if I want it
to fit everywhere else, that’s the way it has to be. I can’t afford to buy all
new clothes or have them tailored. Yet.
Someday, yes. Right now, I’m lucky I have enough money to buy a
subway pass for next month.

I doublecheck my heels are the same color. Never again will I buy the
same pair in both black and navy. Both shoes are currently black.
Everything looks fine, so what was that look about?

“I’ll send her right up.” The woman gives me a plastic grin and holds
out a swipeable card. “Go to the far elevator. You’ll use this to access the
top floor. Make sure to return it to me when you leave.”

“Thank you.” I take the card and head toward the elevator. There are
several elevators with bunches of people getting on and off, but no one else
waits at the one she told me to go to. I take a deep breath and press the

I glance toward the lobby with all the people coming and going. A brief
spark of excitement races through me. I could be one of these people.
Heading to work. Going out with the girls after work for a drink at the bar
on the other side of the lobby.

Of course, I’d need to find girls to go with, but that shouldn’t be hard. In
a company this size, there should be plenty of women my age or a little
older who don’t mind hanging out with a twenty-two-year-old. The elevator
arrives and the doors open.

This is it. I swipe the card, and the elevator heads up. I can do this. I can
get this job. Sure, my experience is a little lacking, but that’s why I need a
job. God, I hope I get this job.

Of all the postings I applied to, this is the one I hoped I’d get an
interview for. Morrigan Technology Group is a cybersecurity company that
works with all the top businesses in the city.

This job is working with the
top executives as their executive assistant, but there’s so much more to it. It
could be the training ground I need to help me get to the next level.

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