Warriorborn by Jim Butcher EPUB & PDF

Warriorborn by Jim Butcher EPUB & PDF

Warriorborn by Jim Butcher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Jim Butcher
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Steampunk Science Fiction 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Sir Benedict Sorellin-Lancaster, Knight of Albion, newly minted
lieutenant of the Spirearch’s Guard, strode into the Spirearch’s garden and
into a storm of olfactory sensation. e tall young man managed not to break
stride as his brain struggled to sort out the various scents, starting with that of
the Spirearch’s valet who walked before him, a slim man whose silver hair and
apparent years masked the odor of a much younger-seeming body than
appearance would suggest. ere was also about him the faint scent of steel,
copper, and oil. He bore weapons that had been concealed flawlessly.

Flowers dominated the garden—delicate-looking things in a riot of colors,
arranged around a brook that flowed through masonry crafted to look like the
naturally rounded stones to be found on the surface. Benedict could sort out
the scents of perhaps thirty different strains around him, plus the very faint
scent of mildew that was doubtless gathering in the nooks and crannies of the
artificial brook’s construction. Lumin crystals had been arranged above the
garden to resemble a moon that had been designed to mimic the actual moon’s
phases, and a glittering array of stars in their ancient constellations. Water was
applied through a misting system in droplets so fine that a faint haze of
surface-like mist clung to the garden and glowed in the faintly varied colors of
the artificial stars.

e setting made Benedict distinctly uneasy. He had visited the surface
twice, briefly, while transferring prisoners to the woodcutting camps. He hadn’t
seen anyone be hurt or killed, but he had recognized in the eyes of men and
women who knew that they were in constant, deathly peril.
Well, if his Spire’s monarch had chosen his garden to emulate the deadly
hell of the surface world, that was certainly none of Benedict’s business.
e valet turned toward Benedict as they walked deeper into the garden.
“His Majesty has asked me to inquire as to your assessment of his security
arrangements, Sir Benedict.”

Benedict inhaled deeply through his nose and glanced around them. ey
were inside the grounds of the Spirearch’s Palace—though technically the
original Palace now served as the administration offices of the Spirearch’s
Council. His Majesty currently resided in what had originally been the
complex for Morning University, though that had grown too large for its
grounds and had shifted to the previous grounds of the Office of Shipbuilding

Benedict shook his head back to the moment. It was often difficult to
remain focused upon such mundanely human things as conversation when he
was paying so much attention to his senses. “I think the façade at the entrance
needs repairs if you want to keep the armored panels beneath in good shape.

can smell ironrot there. You had two men at the murder holes there, but
neither was warriorborn, so if you have one on staff, you may be wasting him
by not putting him at the narrowest choke point, where his physical power is
most concentrated and with his senses able to detect potential danger first.
Since we entered the garden, we have passed two more concealed guards, both
with long guns.”

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