Viparious by A.X. Cole EPUB & PDF

Viparious (EAST COAST BRATVA #2) by A.X. Cole EPUB & PDF

Viparious (EAST COAST BRATVA #2) by A.X. Cole EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: A.X. Cole
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My muscles tense as the shock works through my body. There’s sweat
on every inch of my skin, but I look at the prick holding the cattle
prod. His little name badge says Ryder, and he spooks when I
widen my eyes and extend my voice.

“That one tickled, you’re getting the hang of it.”
The sun has already come up, but it doesn’t make anyone lose energy in
torturing me. I want the drugs back. I got to see Vanya, and Inessa was
sitting with her. My bratty wife was giving me shit, Vanya wasn’t talking,
but she smiled and giggled.

I wrap the chains tighter around my fists and wait. I need Ryder to prod
me again. Each time he shocks me, they don’t focus on my hands and
assume the rattling is due to my body seizing. My taunts are let loose to get
him to act.

“Do you take after your mother or father?”
His head turns towards me, and his brows come together. He has
parental issues, which is evidenced by more than him joining a shitty MC.
The tattoos with Mom and Dad crossed out on his forearm show his
weakness to the world, while mine show my strength. Every crime is
cataloged on my body, and I tense as the dumb fuck acts like we’re having a

“Why?” he asks.
I hold my arms taut, playing up the part like there’s no excess chain as I
stare into his eyes and watch his fear increase.
“If you look like your mother, then I know not fuck her before I slit her
open and shove you back up her cunt.”

He rages, as expected, but he still holds onto his fear and stays out of
reach as he pushes the cattle prod into my chest. Fuck me, it’s like being a
kid again. I don’t know where Len got one from, but it was his favorite toy
from the moment he brought it home when I was ten.

Ryder keeps the cattle prod against my chest, and it gives me more
strength as my body spasms, absorbing the shocks. The chain in my hands
is lax, and I continue wrapping it around my hands as I ignore the way it
cuts open my palm. Sweat coats my body, mixing with the blood on my
skin, and the current is moved away.

I’m still in my shorts, but they’ve been having fun, judging by the
slashes in my skin. There are some on my back. They pull as I tense. They
can’t have healed already when I’ve only been here a few hours. The door
swings open, stopping me from examining my current state. Heavy booted
footsteps thud against the weak wooden steps as someone descends into the

My head doesn’t drop as I watch their annoying president, who has less
authority than the hair that’s receding from his ugly fucking face, puff his

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