Vibe by Liza James EPUB & PDF

Vibe by Liza James EPUB & PDF

Vibe by Liza James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Liza James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Erotic Literature & Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


It’s loud.
So fucking loud in here. My ears are ringing with the constant beat of
music and my chest feels heavy from the thick air I keep inhaling. Thick with
tension, toxic with sex, and dense from the cigarettes and scent of spilled
stale beers.
I’m trying to stay calm, stay focused on what I want to do here. I want to
experience this. Force my past just a little father into the back of my mind. I
want to forget about where I came from, what I had to go through in order to
get out of there. It’s been nine years and you’d think I’d be over everything
by now. But when you grow up in the ways that I did, it’s difficult to
completely hide from those demons. I don’t even want to think about what
would happen to me if anyone from my past found out I had come here
tonight—to Pandora’s Box. I would be punished, that’s for damn sure, and
they would drive the darkness out of me in irreparable ways.

I’m quickly distracted by the sound of laughing voices, glasses clinking,
and the occasional yelp of a woman nearby. I jump in my skin for a split
second and force my mind to clear out the terrifying thoughts so that I can
focus on where I am.

I don’t look around, instead I keep my eyes trained on the back of Hawk’s
head. His blond, disheveled hair is slicked over on top, shaved on the sides,
and I find myself squeezing his hand just a bit tighter as we move through the
crowded club.

I’m nervous being here, honestly. This is considered wrong and
disgusting according to my family and mentors. But coming to a strip club
has been something I’ve secretly wanted to do, another notch on my belt of
rebellion against the strict life I was raised in.

This club is a little more than simply stripping however, and while Hawk
brought me to the side that holds countless stages, I know there’s another
portion of this massive space that houses even filthier secrets. He wouldn’t
give me every detail, only that people came to this club in order to release in
the hands of other people. He did mention supposed viewing rooms though,
where people can watch others having sex at their own pleasure.

A shiver races down my spine and I fight the immediate wash of
judgement that instinctually runs through me. That’s exactly what I’m trying
to fight against by being here. The way my mind slips into the default beliefs
I was forced to absorb.
Besides, Bethie is here and I know she won’t let anything happen that I
don’t want to experience.

Bethie. Or Bethany, as everyone else calls her. She’s supposed to be
meeting us as well, and promised we’d come on a double date. Me with
Hawk—my boyfriend of two years—and her with whoever she decided was
valuable enough to bring along. She knows how uncomfortable I get around
these things, she knows pieces of the life I had growing up. It’s been
unusually easy trusting her with her with my own darkness.
Hawk pulls me along as we weave through countless entranced bodies.

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