Vesper Martinis by Aila Glass EPUB & PDF

Vesper Martinis (SWEET COCKTAILS #9) by Aila Glass EPUB & PDF

Vesper Martinis (SWEET COCKTAILS #9) by Aila Glass EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Aila Glass
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.1 MB
  • Price: Free

I wipe down a glass as a new person shows up at the bar, waving their
hands to get my attention. Placing it down, I approach the cute woman with
round glasses in a sexy purple mini-dress.
“What can I getcha’?” I ask, leaning in to hear her over the loud music
playing on the speakers.

“I’d like a Sazerac, please,” she says, leaning against the bar.
I pull back, giving her a nod, and make the drink.
After the bar I was working at in New York burned down, I decided it was
time for a change. Not only did I move out of New York, but I moved out of
the country. Having dual citizenship in Canada via my mom became an
advantage when I found a job in Vancouver. I’ve been working here at
Sweet Cocktails for roughly a year.

It’s a pretty nice city. You see the same hustle and bustle in New York, but
everyone is a bit more polite in Vancouver. Most people in New York are
too busy or not interested in talking to you, so they just pass by you. Here in
Vancouver, I’ve gotten more “Hello’s” walking to work in a week than I
ever did in New York. It was new and kind of nice. It’s something that I’ve
gotten used to over the year that I’ve been here.

I start the drink by rinsing a chilled glass with absinthe. In another glass, I
pour an ounce and a half of whiskey, half an ounce of cognac, a quarter of
an ounce of simple syrup, and then a dash of some bitters. I then add some
ice to the glass and mix it briefly before getting a strainer and pouring the
red liquid into the chilled glass. Afterwards I get a strip of lemon, twist it,
then rub it around the rim before setting it in the glass and handing it to the

The smile on her face says it all. She likes it. And I like that she likes it.
Being a bartender used to be just a job for me, and it still is, but in the midst
of working, I found myself loving the job—making cocktails and drinks.
The creativity of it. I could possibly get that creative satisfaction
somewhere else, but at least here, I’d get paid as well.

Another person returns to the bar and asks for a refill on their whiskey. At
that moment, someone catches my eye. I look up at the second floor of the
bar. Behind a gold railing, I see Pierce Donnelley, my new boss, staring
down at me with his piercing blue eyes and hard stare.

The ex-manager was replaced just over four months ago with the one guy I
thought I’d never see again.

Pierce Fucking Donnelley.
My one-night stand from six months ago.
I didn’t even know he lived here, but apparently, he moved for this job right
after I met him.

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