Vanish (THE ROYAL CHRONICLES #3) by Camille Peters EPUB & PDF

Vanish (THE ROYAL CHRONICLES #3) by Camille Peters EPUB & PDF

Vanish (THE ROYAL CHRONICLES #3) by Camille Peters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Camille Peters
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Tension cloaked our traveling entourage the closer we drew to the
border, the last defense between us and the fate that awaited us the
moment we crossed. We collectively held our breath as the jostling carriage
rolled across the border, leaving our kingdom’s protection and ushering us
into the doomed land.

I expected the curse to immediately descend upon us, but the carriage
continued forward without any change. Even so I remained rigid, waiting,
before slowly lifting my hands to wriggle my fingers experimentally. I
could still see myself, an unexpected marvel.

From her place in the seat across from me, my handmaiden, Aira,
released a whooshing breath of relief as she ran her eyes anxiously over me
before twisting to take in her still visible body. “We haven’t vanished.”
At her confirmation my tense posture eased, yet only slightly

considering the looming danger hadn’t passed. Instead it only escalated the
deeper we ventured into the kingdom of Brimoire, traveling towards our
doom rather than fleeing it. In contrast to the comforting familiarity of the
quiet that often accompanied me, this shrouding silence was choked with
unease, broken only by the rattling sound of the wheels against the road.

Though my servants had been well-trained in these extended silences,
our current anxiety was too heightened. Drawing a laden breath, Aira met
my eyes. “It’s not too late to turn around; it’s too risky to venture any
farther into such a cursed land.” Despite my handmaiden’s façade of calm,
her hands twisted in her lap, betraying her nerves.

The tension paralyzing my limbs eased just enough for me to scoot
closer to the window and peer tentatively out at the passing scenery. I
searched for the dangers said to be lurking in every corner of the kingdom
that was to become my new home…but saw only Brimoire’s picturesque
landscape of rolling hills, no sign of the nothingness rumored to be
swallowing everything it touched.

Aira’s voice wavered as she continued. “Perhaps the whispers of a
disappearing curse are nothing more than trite gossip. Surely His Majesty
wouldn’t send his only daughter into such danger.”

I didn’t have the strength to contradict her foolish hopes; speaking of
Father’s indifference for my wellbeing out loud would only make my plight
more real. I averted my gaze and said nothing. Thankfully silence was a
typical response for me, so my handmaiden didn’t peel back its layers to
glimpse the vulnerability hidden beneath…though I felt her watchful gaze
and wondered just how much she’d already observed.

The fear that had been our constant traveling companion ever since our
departure swelled as I glanced out the window again, urging me to order my
entourage to turn back before we ventured any deeper into a land rumored
to be gradually vanishing. With an effort I ignored the compulsion, as
unfortunately such a request would be impossible—despite my role as a
princess, my wishes had never been my own. Even if I could act on them, I
had no life to return to.

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