Up the Ladder (WHEN IN BROOKLYN #1) by Ana D’Arcy EPUB & PDF

Up the Ladder (WHEN IN BROOKLYN #1) by Ana D’Arcy EPUB & PDF

Up the Ladder (WHEN IN BROOKLYN #1) by Ana D’Arcy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ana D’Arcy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

“We’re really done this time.”
The words spear through my heart with vivid sharpness. Nothing comes
out when I try to speak, as though five years of memories are jammed down
my throat. Helpless and confused, I watch Edward shove handfuls of his
things into a duffel bag. Two large suitcases are already filled with more of
his stuff, waiting by the door.

I’m unsure what triggered this, but it’s miles from how I expected our
Saturday afternoon to unfold. Eddie has been in a frenzy for the past hour,
scavenging through the apartment to gather his most prized belongings.

“Eddie, please. Let’s talk about this.”
“We already talked about it, Gen. A dozen times. I stayed because I
hoped things would change, but they never do. Not with you.”
“I’m sorry! You know work has been hectic lately, and—”
“It’s been hectic since we started dating! You keep making excuses and
promising you’ll take a step back and have more time for me, but you never

“It’s not that simple.”
“And yet it is. All you need to do is to prioritize me rather than
whatever big promotion comes next, for once.”
“We made a deal, Edward. You agreed we’d wait until I became head of
my department.”

“I didn’t think it would take that long! Everyone we know is getting
married and having children. But for us … It’ll be what? Another decade
before we get there?”
“We can get married if you want,” I offer. “God knows our parents have
been pushing us to.”

“Will you make time for family life if we do?”
I press my lips together, seeing no point in lying. Marriage wouldn’t
change anything, at least on my side. I worked too long and too hard to let
anything get in the way of my objective.
“See? This is why I can’t do it any longer. You refuse to compromise,
and that is not how a relationship works, Genevieve.”
“And you? Are you compromising? You’ve been home even less than I
have this week.”

Before I can gloat over my excellent point, he says, “I’ve been finding
excuses not to be home for months and you didn’t even notice. What’s the
point of being here? We barely speak, ignore one another, don’t have
sex …”

The last one stings, but I kind of deserve it. It’s been a while since I
initiated anything intimate between us, and the last few times he did, I
rebuked him on account of being too tired or having work to deal with.

“I’m sorry,” I say for the umpteenth time. “Maybe we can fix it. I
promise I’ll do better. We can set a clear schedule where I make time for
you. And establish a weekly slot for sex. We can—”
“Do you hear yourself, Gen? A weekly slot? Is it a chore for you? Like
some duty you’d go through to keep me happy?”

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