Until Willow by Aurora Rose Reynolds EPUB & PDF

Until Willow by Aurora Rose Reynolds EPUB & PDF

Until Willow by Aurora Rose Reynolds EPUB & PDF – Details

  • Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

SITTING ACROSS FROM Alec, I tap my fingers against my martini glass
as he stares at his cell phone and types frantically. Pressing my lips together
as I study him, I wonder how long it would take him to realize I was gone if I
just got up and left.

My guess? Twenty minutes, if not longer.
He and I have been dating for a few weeks; he’s a nice enough guy who
checks all the appropriate boxes. He hasn’t stood me up, hasn’t once looked
at another woman when we’ve been out, he opens car doors and as a bonus
he’s good looking. The thing is he’s as boring and as obsessed with work as
every other man I’ve dated. And, I mean, I get it–work is important but so is
enjoying life.

And if I’m honest I’d like a man to be a little obsessed with me–I mean,
not stalkerish–but I wouldn’t mind finding a guy who puts me first, who
makes it clear that he can’t get enough of me–a man who gives me his
undivided attention when we are in the same space, especially when we’re
out on a date at a fancy restaurant and I’ve put in the effort of actually
dressing up for the occasion.

With a sigh, I look across the dimly lit restaurant and spot the sign for the
restroom with an arrow pointing down the stairs. Maybe a couple of minutes
away from the table will give him time to finish with what he’s doing and
give me time to get out of my head.

“Hey.” I reach across the space between us and touch his hand and his
head flies up. “I’m going to use the restroom before our food comes. I’ll be
“Sure.” He gives me an apologetic smile. “And I’m sorry. There’s just a lot
going on at work.”
“No worries.” I muster up a smile and scoot out of the booth. “I’ll be right
“Sure.” He checks me out as I stand and his eyes darken, letting me know
he is not completely oblivious to me.

I walk across the restaurant then navigate down the stairs in my heels.
When I reach the bathroom, I go inside, and since one of the stalls is already
occupied I use the other. It takes a second to get the heavy wooden door to
close but once I get it locked I take care of business, then try to open the
door. It doesn’t budge, so I push it harder, and it still doesn’t move.
“No way.” I shove my arm into it like I’m a linebacker causing pain to race
across my shoulder to the back of my neck, then kick the door as hard as I
can. Nothing. “Oh my god.”

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