Until His Girl by Stella Banks EPUB & PDF

Until His Girl (FIT MOUNTAIN INSTALOVES VOL. 2, #5) by Stella Banks EPUB & PDF

Until His Girl (FIT MOUNTAIN INSTALOVES VOL. 2, #5) by Stella Banks EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Stella Banks
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m rifling through my closet, trying to find a blouse that doesn’t
scream “I slept in this” when my phone rings. It’s my sister, Fiona.
Quickly, I snatch the phone off the counter and answer it. “Hey, sis,
what’s up?”

“Eliza, where are you?”
I pause, frowning slightly. “Home. Why?”
Fiona sighs through her nose. “The volunteer meeting is starting in ten
minutes. You’re supposed to be here.”

Every year, the Fit Mountain Opera puts on an annual performance to
raise money for school music programs. And since my sister’s company,
Parker & Sons, is a lead sponsor for the event this year, I decided to

But with my new job, keeping track of everything has been hard.
“Fiona, I’m sorry. Things have been crazy at my job, and the meeting
fell off my radar.”

“Well, how fast can you get here? Mom keeps asking where you are.”
I sigh. “I’m actually not going to be able to make it. A last-minute
assignment that has to be done before Monday came up at work, and I need
to go into the office.”
“You’re going into the office on a Saturday? I thought you worked

“I usually do, but the Wi-Fi at my apartment is being wonky. I need to
go in and use the office internet.”

I look around at the cozy clutter of my apartment—throw pillows
strewn on the couch, dirty dishes in the sink, rejected outfits from this
morning draped over a chair. Part of me would much rather stay in my little
cocoon than face the corporate world on a weekend. But my boss needs me.
And I can’t let him down.

“Eliza, is everything okay?” Fiona asks.
“Sure, why?”
“I don’t know. You’ve just been so secretive about your new job lately. I
don’t understand why you won’t tell me what it is.”
I feel a pang of guilt. Fiona and I have always been close, sharing
everything with each other. But this… this is different. She would flip out if
she knew I was working for the CEO of our family’s biggest rival. And not
only her—my whole family would lose their minds.

“Everything’s fine,” I reassure her. “I’ve just been busy.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line, and Fiona’s tone softens.
“You know you can always talk to me, right? About anything.”
“I know. And I appreciate it, I really do.”

Finally, she sighs. “Sorry if I’m being overbearing. I’ve just been
stressed lately. Wes and I are working on the Alley Street bid, and those
assholes at Donovan Enterprises keep giving us trouble.”
My stomach twists at the mention of Drew’s company, but I force a
calm tone. “That sounds intense.”

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