Unstoppable by Maree Rose EPUB & PDF

Unstoppable by Maree Rose EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maree Rose
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

11 Years Ago
I t’s been along time since I have felt anything but anger.
There is a saying, love and hate are two sides of the same coin. I know
which side my coin was on right now and it wasn’t love. It is hard to see
anything beyond the hatred that is currently coursing through my veins.
Beyond the anger I have to force into a cage inside me so I can still function
and be there for the others.

But there are moments, like the one I’m having now, where all I can do is
sit on the side of my bed and look at the photograph in my hands of the five
of us. But there are only three of us left now.
Colt left to join the military not long after Ashley disappeared, and I
couldn’t blame him. He had been staying to look after her out of some
misplaced obligation. Only for her to simply throw that back in his face by
walking out.

And we now know that she walked out. For so long, we thought
something terrible had happened. There were search parties and missing
persons reports, everything we could do to locate her.
It took a month for Jessica and Nicole to finally break down and admit to
dropping her off at the bus stop. And that was when it became clear she left
us, that she walked away from us without a second thought.

Rick ended up in the hospital again for another seventy-two hours when
we found out, and after that, he just wasn’t the same again. There is now
something missing whenever he interacts with us, like something is broken
inside him.

My finger goes to touch Ash’s long blonde hair in the photograph, but I
force my fingers into a fist before opening my suitcase and shoving the
picture frame inside. It’s now been a year, and I did not want to give her any
more room in my head or my heart. Rick has only just started to act more
like he used to, though I doubt he will ever be the same. He is still that
slightly cracked shell, but he seems to have decided to embrace life again.
Even if he is now twice as reckless with it.

Nix has become completely closed off. I can see the same anger reflected
in him that burns inside me. Over the last few weeks, each time we are
stuck on location at a new job, he has been disappearing at night. Whatever
he has been doing, it seems to be calming the storm inside him. If only

The thought has crossed my mind to ask what has changed for him, but I
was afraid to stop his progress, and I can live with my anger. I learned to
control it and not let it control me. I had seen what happens when anger gets
the best of someone. But controlling it doesn’t mean it went away.

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