Unseen Magic by M.J. Putney EPUB & PDF

Unseen Magic by M.J. Putney EPUB & PDF

Unseen Magic by M.J. Putney EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: M.J. Putney
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Two-Hour Romance Short Reads
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Jane Macrae’s heart was in the Highlands. Unfortunately, her weary body
was on a crowded wartime train crawling its way north from Edinburgh.
She woke from a restless, unsatisfying doze to find that the young soldier
snoring next to her had a hand resting on her thigh. It was the most fun
she’d had in months.

She removed his hand, grateful that she had chosen to look “fast” by
wearing trousers. These last horrible months in London during the Blitz had
made her a dedicated trouser wearer. So much more convenient when
running to an air raid shelter or pulling survivors from collapsed buildings,
as she’d done twice.

Jane was good at finding people in the rubble. If she tired of working for
military intelligence, perhaps she’d join one of the rescue services.
She glanced at the window, wishing she could see the Scottish hills
beyond. Railway blackout regulations required blinds over windows and
painting all the lightbulbs blue. The effect was eerie, to say the least. But
soon she’d be home.

Closing her eyes again, she tried to find a more comfortable spot on a
deeply uncomfortable seat. She was one of the few civilians on the poky
train. Most of the passengers were soldiers, sailors and air-men heading
north to serve at some of Scotland’s many military installations. The young,
earnest and doomed. Damn Hitler!

Jane’s work had kept her in London for these last crazy months. On the
whole, she’d coped reasonably well with the constant threat of German
bombing. But two days before, she’d been hit by a fierce need to head home
to Scotland. The pure, calm energy of her family estate at Dunrath would
clear her mind.

Macraes had lived at Dunrath since before the family was called Macrae.
The glen had been a grand place to grow up, and not only because it had the
best weather in Scotland. As the youngest of a large family, she’d been
teased and indulged and taught. Those had been golden days between the
wars, though she’d been too young to fully appreciate them. Such times
were gone forever. But the peace of Dunrath endured, and it was calling her

Though the distance between Edinburgh and Dunrath wasn’t that great,
the train was a slow one that halted at every tiny station in the empty hills.
She kept track of them, since name signboards had been removed from
most stations. It would be easy to get off in the wrong place.

Her compartment cleared out two stops before hers, since that station was
a transfer point. Already the peace was getting into her bones and
unwinding her tension and grief. She yawned. Only an hour or so more . . .
Jane woke when the train lurched to a halt at the next station. This was
remote moorland, with only a sprinkling of crofts and villages.

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