Unmasking a Lord’s Heart (NOBLE GENTLEMEN OF THE TON) by Bridget Barton EPUB & PDF

Unmasking a Lord’s Heart (NOBLE GENTLEMEN OF THE TON) by Bridget Barton EPUB & PDF

Unmasking a Lord’s Heart (NOBLE GENTLEMEN OF THE TON) by Bridget Barton EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Bridget Barton
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Hyde Park, London—1810
“Bella! Should you go so high?” Grace hissed from the ground below,
where she waited with two local girls who had dared Isabella to attempt her
current feat of bravery.

Fourteen-year-old Lady Isabella Collingwood, perched precariously on a
branch half-way up the tree, peered down at her best friend with a teasing
smile. “Oh, this? It’s only half-way to the top.”
She turned and began scrambling up the branches as quickly as she could,
the sounds of her friends’ nervous giggles fading behind her. It was a
different world up there. The city faded all around her, leaves and branches
clustering around her like a screen, and if she ignored the faint smell of
smoke and the clatter of wheels on cobbles in the distance, she could
pretend she was in the country climbing trees with her older brother.

“You’d best hurry,” Grace chimed in again, her voice fainter. “There’s a
group of women walking closer, and I think I recognize Lady Ellory.”
Lady Ellory was a notorious gossip, but Bella wasn’t concerned. She didn’t
think anyone from her parents’ world would recognize her at present—part
of the dare had been to disguise herself as a boy.

Her long, awkward limbs were clad in rough-spun trousers; a loose shirt of
her brother’s was tucked into the waistband, and she’d been careful to wind
her dark blond braid up under a newsboy’s cap. Lady Ellory, in all her
glamor and glory, wouldn’t look twice at a lad climbing a tree.

She ignored her friend. She and Grace Lyndon had been close all their lives.
Their older brothers were best friends as well, and their families moved in
the same circles, even if Bella’s illustrious father would have preferred they
didn’t. Lord Collingwood seemed to think his children above the
companionship of the viscount’s children. Simon was a second son, after
all, with little prospects, and Grace didn’t even have a title to her name.

All that didn’t matter to Bella. The parties and the expectations and the “my
lord” this and “my lady” that—it was all dreadfully tedious. What interested
her was the next adventure, the next rebellion, and the next genuine
connection. All the foppery of the London ton made her want to yawn.

She set her hands to the more slender branches at the top of the tree,
steadying herself as the upper boughs bent and swayed under her weight.
She no longer attended to whatever conversation was going on beneath her,
though if she had she would have wondered why her friends’ giggles had
suddenly stilled.

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