Unfair by Timothy Ellis EPUB & PDF

Unfair by Timothy Ellis EPUB & PDF

Unfair by Timothy Ellis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Timothy Ellis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Exploration Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it.”
Knight Marshal Bud looked stressed. There was no other word for that
face and body language. He’d kept me waiting for two hours, and whatever
had been going on this morning obviously hadn’t gone well.

I’d been on medical leave for two weeks now, much longer than I’d
expected, after being blown out of my fighter unexpectedly in combat, and
having spent several long periods in a care unit. My injuries had been
extensive enough to have me sent home to recuperate, and I’d been on light
duties for the last week. That was what they called it, anyway, but the
reality was, none at all. I hadn’t yet been sent back to my squadron as I’d
expected, and that was what I was here for now. Getting my squadron back.

“You’re being discharged from the League military.”
That didn’t make sense. I needed my… What did he just say? I’m what?
“I’m sorry, but I’ve no alternative but to discharge you from service. You
and your three pilots.”
“But why? That’s so unfair!”
“Look, Lyla, I’ve been trying to find you a squadron for a week now. Noone will fly with you. And I mean, no-one.”
“That makes no sense at all. Sir.”

“It does if you think about it. Your first launch as a squadron leader
without direct oversight resulted in twenty four destroyed Spitfires, yourself
and three other pilots unable to fly for weeks, the rest of the squadron on
light duties for a week, and we very nearly lost all of you.”

“That wasn’t my fault.”
“In addition to that, your AI co-pilot quit flying altogether, returned to the
homeworld, and is now in therapy. And no-one will tell me why, or what
happened to cause that. The AIs for your three pilots won’t fly with them
either. And every time someone asks you what happened, you maintain
everything was the fault of others, and you refuse to say how an AI got

“That’s not right. They won’t let me talk to him.”
“He won’t let you talk to him. And Admiral Jane won’t let you near the
AI homeworld at all. You’ve been declared persona non-grata there. I’ve
never heard of that happening before.”

“No-one’s told me that. Besides, why would I want to go there?”
“I’m sure I don’t know. But your reality is, even if I busted you down to
pilot officer again, and yes, that would be unfair, no-one wants to fly with
any of you. The wing commanders won’t have you. No squadron leaders
want you as a flight leader. There’s not even a flight leader who will take

“But why?”
“Aside from the fact you almost killed yourself and eleven others, you
refuse to take any responsibility for what happened, in spite of being given
every opportunity to do so. And you now have the reputation of being the
only squadron leader to ever lose two squadrons worth of fighters in a
single minute

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