Unchained (BLOOD BROTHERS #3) by Samantha Wilde EPUB & PDF

Unchained (BLOOD BROTHERS #3) by Samantha Wilde EPUB & PDF

Unchained (BLOOD BROTHERS #3) by Samantha Wilde EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Samantha Wilde
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Brooks slammed his palms against the door’s metal arm. An alarm
screeched. He didn’t stop running. The desert’s cool night air hit his bare
chest but did nothing to fan his flaming skin. Adrenaline pumped through
him. He’d escaped. And they’d do anything to get him—and the drug
coursing through his veins—back.

“Get him!”
“Don’t fire!”
The shouts behind him made him run faster. Dirt and rocks cut into the
soles of his feet, but the sensation barely punched through his
consciousness. The eight-foot-high chain-link fence came into view. The
wretched drug would enable him to scale it. He jumped and latched onto the
fence. His fingers twisted around the tight metal, and he scurried to the top.
As he swung his body over the barbed wire, the thorns ripped at his flesh.
Hot blood seared his abdomen as he sailed through the air. His ligaments
twanged as he landed on his feet, sending a shock wave through his body.

He didn’t slow.
He charged for the line of trees a few meters ahead. They’d soon be on
him with their tranquilizer darts and stun guns. Nothing he hadn’t dealt with
before. But this time, he wouldn’t get dragged back to their twisted fucking

Branches whipped his face and body as he ran through the woods. His
eyes had long since adjusted to the darkness, the drug making him
hyperaware of his surroundings.

Flashlights bobbed behind him. The guards wouldn’t stop their pursuit
until they caught him. He was worth too much to kill, and he knew too
much to be allowed to escape. A fallen log appeared in his path. He leaped
off it and lunged to the ground. A large tree came into view. He skirted
around it and then pressed his back to the trunk. The stiff bark scraped his
back as his chest rose and fell. His blood pressure would be through the
roof. The drug had that effect.

This time, he’d escaped before they’d unleashed him on someone. Pain
ricocheted through his skull, reminding him that if he didn’t release the
torrents of energy, he’d die. Slowing his breath didn’t work. Nothing
fucking worked except going on a rampage or seeing his hands inflict
carnage on another person. The thought brought him to his knees. No more.
Never again.

If he didn’t escape tonight, he’d find a way to take his life. Trapping his
energy after an injection was one way, but that was easier said than done—
human beings were wired to survive. Footsteps rustled over fallen leaves.
Brooks closed his eyes and pressed his fists into the trunk at his sides as
he stood.

A twig gave away. They were close. He shifted to peer around the side
of the tree. Flashlights illuminated the path ahead of the three men. In a few
paces, they’d pass him. He shuffled around the tree as they moved, staying
out of sight, his bare feet silent on the cool, damp earth.

“He can’t be far,” said one of the guards.
“Are you kidding?” said another. “That monster can run like a cheetah. I
almost hope he’s far.”

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