Unbreakable by Mira Grant EPUB & PDF

Unbreakable by Mira Grant EPUB & PDF

Unbreakable by Mira Grant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Mira Grant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

MY THERAPIST WOULD be so proud of me. I didn’t throw the
manuscript I’d been asked to read over for errors across the room or
out the window, merely closed it with a decisive snap as I stood and
walked toward the kitchen. This particular path took me past the fish
tank, where Ashley’s fucking fish were still swimming in blissful piscine
ignorance. At least when we lost Paisley, her stupid cat noticed that her human
was gone. Ashley’s fish didn’t even know that someone different was feeding
them these days. They didn’t know, and they wouldn’t have cared if I’d been
able to get an animal empath in here to explain it to them.

I dropped the book into the tank as I walked by. It sank down to the
gravel at the bottom with a small splash, little bubbles forming on the pages
and drifting up toward the surface, where they popped and disappeared. I
didn’t stay to watch them go.

Opening the fridge, I pulled out a carton of orange juice that smelled
only half-fermented, the yeasty whiff of alcohol forming under the citrus
brightness. I drank it anyway. What the fuck was it going to do, kill me? If the
burning forces of the Shatterverse hadn’t been able to take me down, there
was no way in hell that I was going to be done in by a drink of spoiled

I left the carton on the counter and made my way deeper into the
apartment, heading down the hallway past the few pictures that still clung,
unshattered, to the walls, broken glass from their less fortunate brethren
crunching beneath my feet. I didn’t feel it, of course. I never feel much of
anything unless I want to, and I never want to anymore. Turns out you have to
really mean it when you say you’re in the market for feeling physical sensations,
that you have to believe the pleasures and perils of the physical world still carry
a single scrap of fucking value. They don’t, of course. It took me a long damn
time to figure that out, and now that I know the truth, there’s no way I’m
going back.

Paisley’s cat was on my bed when I stepped into the room. The damn
thing’s about a million years old now—twenty-six, to be exact, which is
basically the same thing when you’re talking about a tiny, fragile predator with
a standard lifespan of sixteen years or less. I’d only agreed to take it because it
was already thirteen—a “senior” according to the vet we dutifully saw once a
year—and would probably die soon. But unlike Elena, or Ashley, or Paisley,
the cat refuses to die. If my friends had been half as stubborn as the little
beast, I wouldn’t be so goddamn alone.
That’s not true. I was always going to wind up like this.

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