Ugly: The Stepsister’s Story by Mary Mecham EPUB & PDF

Ugly: The Stepsister’s Story by Mary Mecham EPUB & PDF

Ugly: The Stepsister’s Story by Mary Mecham EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mary Mecham
  • Language: English
  • Genre: YA
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I was trying to teach a lesson on Avivian verb tenses to some rowdy
twelve year old boys when Curtis came bursting into the classroom.
“Truly!” he called enthusiastically. “Truly, Pops wants to see you right

“Close your books students, and I want to see the proper conjugation of
those verbs tomorrow,” I told my pupils, ending the tutoring session. Curtis’
father was the king, and if he was summoning me, there was no delaying

As the boys whooped gleefully and scampered away down the corridor,
I hurriedly gathered my books and notes, and started off toward the throne
room. Curtis bounded beside me, keeping up a running, one-way dialogue
as he always did.

He had reddish-brown hair and an infectious smile that made him
impossible to dislike, and we had been best friends for years. “Do you know
why your Father called for me?” I interrupted Curtis.
He grinned impishly. “You will see. Something important, I think. But
gee, I forgot the details!” He winked, and I couldn’t help smiling.
“Just tell me. You know.” I playfully pushed his arm.

Curtis gasped in mock horror. “A lady pushes a prince? Best watch
yourself, m’lady, or you will end up being tortured in the dungeon!”
I chuckled. The castle’s dungeon hadn’t been used in more than a
century. But I quelled my laughter as the impressive throne room doors
loomed closer. I drew a deep breath, nervous about my meeting with the

Before I raised my fist to knock on the doors, I closed my eyes, trying to
compose myself to look more mature than the fifteen-year-old girl that I
was. I reached out my hand, then Curtis leaned down and whispered, “You
may want to get that spider out of your hair before you go in.”

I yelped and began to swat my long hair wildy with my hands, causing
most of my language books to tumble to the ground. Curtis doubled over,
hooting, and I realized that there was no spider. “Curtis!” I hissed, half
annoyed at his prank, half relieved that there was no spider.
Curtis gathered up all my fallen books and papers, and piled them neatly
into a stack. “Just thought you looked a little nervous about going to see
Pops. He doesn’t bite, you know.”

I held out my arms for my books, but Curtis held onto them and
gestured me on. The throne room doors were pulled open from the inside by
a guard, and I straightened up, trying to look as dignified as Father always
did when he spoke to royalty.

“I thought I heard you, son.” King Edmont’s voice was deep and even. I
walked on the scarlet carpet leading up to the throne as sedately as I could,
with Curtis bouncing ahead of me. Curtis never walked; he always bounded
as if he had springs in his shoes.

“Just giving Lady Truly some tips on how to ruffle your feathers!”
Curtis said, grinning as usual and giving a lavish bow with much twirling of
his book-free hand.

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