Tying the Knot by Debbie Macomber EPUB & PDF

Tying the Knot: A 2-IN-1 COLLECTION by Debbie Macomber EPUB & PDF

Tying the Knot: A 2-IN-1 COLLECTION by Debbie Macomber EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Debbie Macomber
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“You must understand that the government of the Diamantina Islands is
understandably circumspect. The people are the direct descendants of
Puritan missionaries.” Dr. David Brewster took a clean handkerchief from
his pocket and wiped his perspiring face.

He’s flustered, Leah Talmadge mused. Dr. Brewster, California’s most
renowned marine biologist, man of steel at seventy-five, the solid
department head, was obviously nervous. Something had gone wrong.
Disconcerted, Leah stiffened in the high-backed leather chair. A cold sweat
broke out across her upper lip, and she nervously ran her finger over it.
Dear heavens, this expedition was the chance of a lifetime.
“Just what are you saying, Dr. Brewster?” Cain Hawkins interrupted

Leah’s gaze skidded to the world-famous photographer who would be
accompanying her on this whale watch. Cain’s work had appeared several
times in National Geographic and other nationally known magazines. The
talented photographer had made his name taking spectacular shots of
wildlife, landscapes, and people; his skill wasn’t limited to any one subject.
His work hung in some of the best art galleries in the world. The entire
department was elated that he’d been assigned to accompany Leah on this
expedition to the islands.

His pictures might be fantastic, Leah reflected, but the man was a
disappointment. He didn’t look anything like what she’d expected. In some
ways he resembled a hippie left over from the nineteen-sixties. His chestnut
hair was unfashionably long, and he wore it brushed away from his face. It
curled out just below his collar, and an unruly patch defiantly brushed his
brow. His face was weathered from exposure to the elements, and he looked
closer to forty than the thirty-five she knew him to be. Of course, she’d
heard the rumors.

Her colleagues had delighted in feeding her tidbits of
information about the unorthodox Cain Hawkins. A rebel. A nonconformist.
Tough as leather. Hard as nails. Leah had heard it all and secretly hadn’t
believed a word. His pictures told a different story.

David Brewster paused and cleared his throat. Again he wiped his face
with the wrinkled linen cloth. “I was in communication with the governor
of the Diamantinas this afternoon.”
Apprehensively, Leah scooted to the edge of her seat. “And?” she

“In light of the fact that you two unmarried adults would be spending
considerable time in the uninhabited archipelago together, the request has
been denied.”

Leah felt her heart drop. “Denied,” she repeated in shocked disbelief.
The opportunity of a lifetime washed away by the moral righteousness of a
government official.

“Good grief, man. We live in the twenty-first century.” Cain Hawkins’s
dark eyes sparked with disbelief and irritation.
“Indeed,” David Brewster agreed, “but no one bothered to i

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