Twins to Tame Him by Tara Pammi EPUB & PDF

Twins to Tame Him by Tara Pammi EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tara Pammi
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

“MAYBE AFTER THREE years the shine is wearing off your marriage, Ani,”
Sebastian Skalas drawled from his seat at the brunch his sister-in-law,
Annika Alexandros Skalas, had dragged him to that bright May afternoon
with any number of threats.

Even the mention of that day three years ago when he’d disappeared on
Ani because of that woman still made him angry. Luckily, it had ended up
in forcing his brother to the altar. “It’s not too late to dump Alexandros and
come back to me.”
Ani shook her head while his twin glared at him.

Her uncharacteristic quietness worried Sebastian. In the beginning stages
of her pregnancy she should look radiantly happy. Instead, since he’d
arrived at the Skalas villa near Corfu two days ago—upon her urgent
request—she’d been withdrawn, irritable, even avoiding Sebastian. Which
had never happened before.

They had been friends for years, as she had visited their estate every
summer since she’d been an infant, as their grandmother Thea was her

He had assumed his twin had been overly concerned when he’d relayed
Ani’s request to see him—Xander was protective and possessive on steroids
when it came to his wife. Now Sebastian realized Xander’s worry was very
much valid.

Since the three of them had sat down, Ani had watched the gates to their
estate, looking excited and terrified in equal measures, every other second.
And the fact that she had summoned, cajoled, threatened and begged him to
be present for lunch for the last three days seemed like the signal for
something big.

Suddenly, a car stumbled in through the electronic gates to the estate. Ani
shot to her feet at an alarming pace that had both him and Xander rushing to
theirs. As if the driver couldn’t decide whether to go forward or backward,
the car shot forward, then stalled and repeated the strange dance a few more

“Is it the baby?” Xander asked, a terrified look in his eyes that Sebastian
had never seen before, and never wanted to see again.
Ani shook her head, grabbed Sebastian’s hands, her eyes full of big, fat
tears. A beat of dread pulsed through him, like he got before one of his
migraines inevitably showed up. “What’s wrong?”
Behind her, Alexandros looked thunderous. “What the hell did you do,

Ani shook her head, half smiling, half crying. “No, Xander. It’s not
him…” She turned to Sebastian again, and threw her arms around his waist.
“Just remember. I… I’ve been trying to do the right thing, okay? By all of
you. I couldn’t bear it if you…hate me for it.”
Sebastian wrapped his arms around her trembling form and met Xander’s
gaze over her head. His twin shrugged, looking as baffled and scared as
Sebastian felt.

Ani pressed her forehead to his chest, soaking his shirt with her tears.
“You’ve always been my first and true friend, Sebastian. Please, just… Just
remember that I had to keep it from you.”
“Ani, you’re scaring me,” Sebastian said, the sensation making his words

“This cannot be good for the baby or you, agapi. Calm down, please.
Whatever it is, I’ll make it right,” Xander ordered in a gruff voice, his hands
coming to land on Ani’s shoulders.
Annika nodded.

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