Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette EPUB & PDF

Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette EPUB & PDF

Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sonia Choquette
  • Publish Date: February 15, 2004
  • Language: English
  • Genre: New Age New Thought
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Pages: 239
  • Price: Free
  • ISBN: 1401902324

Begin with the Basics

If you want to trust your vibes, you must absolutely “get”
that you have a psychic sixth sense that picks them up, even if
it’s dormant right now. Your sixth sense is your natural inner
genius, and even though you might not believe in it, it’s
normal to be a spiritual being guided by the Universe. Sixsensory, psychic people know this; nonpsychic, five-sensory
people don’t. So, if you want to live a higher way, stop
doubting when your intuition speaks to you, stop ignoring
your sixth sense when you feel it, and start accepting and
appreciating your vibes when they do activate.

First, you must change your attitude. You can’t go along
with five-sensory types who think that six-sensory people are
crazy or just plain weird. You simply can’t lock the sixth sense
out of your life. Even Leonardo da Vinci, one of my all-time
favorite six-sensory people, was considered a nut and a heretic
by his five-sensory associates—as were Thomas Edison and
Walt Disney, among others.

Of course, the world has
reconsidered, and now recognizes these men as great creative,
intuitive geniuses, but five-sensory people still regularly
discount the sixth sense because their egos will do anything to
stay in control. But instead of worrying that you’ll look like an
oddball if you let on that you have vibes, be happy about it.
This means that you’re progressing beyond the five-sensory

Second, in order to have a six-sensory life, you must come
up with reasons to listen to your intuition. Intuitives like me
know that listening to your vibes is practical, saves time,
connects the dots of your life, and even improves
relationships. Best of all, trusting your vibes relieves you of
worry—that alone should be enough of an incentive to get
your sixth sense up and running.

For example, my student Bea and her husband recently
decided to sell their big home in Dayton, Ohio, and move to a
smaller town house nearby. The couple’s children were grown,
so they wanted a place that would afford them more freedom
and less expense. “The only thing I don’t look forward to,”
Bea told me, “is having to show my house to strangers. I wish
I could just sell it without any hassle or intrusion.”

Heeding my advice and following my psychic example in
how to be six-sensory, Bea turned the problem over to her
guides and put it out of her mind. Now, she wasn’t one to
discuss her private life openly, but the next morning, Bea felt
inclined to tell her new cleaning lady, Lori, about her plans.

So, when Lori arrived, Bea trusted her vibes and confided that
she and her husband were thinking about selling the house.
“Oh my God!” Lori exclaimed. “I can’t believe you said
that! Another client of mine asked me just yesterday to help
her find a house in this neighborhood. Knowing her taste, I bet
she’d love this place.”

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