Triple Dog Dare (THE HOUNDS OF HADES #1) by Amy Sumida EPUB & PDF

Triple Dog Dare (THE HOUNDS OF HADES #1) by Amy Sumida EPUB & PDF

Triple Dog Dare (THE HOUNDS OF HADES #1) by Amy Sumida EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amy Sumida
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Getting possessed wasn’t so bad. Sure, it wasn’t fun to become a passenger
in my own body. There was a feeling of hopelessness at first. But that was
quickly overwhelmed by the emotions of my demon. The thing inside me
was joyous. Rapturous, even. It reveled in simply walking, breathing, and
eating. Especially eating. It made me see the world in a new way and
appreciate every tiny thing about being alive. You see all those movies
about possession, how the demon takes over a human host and makes them
do terrible things. It hurts them. A lot. Tears up their home. At the very
least, they don’t look so good. Vomit and stuff. Head spinning.

That was not my experience.
My demon wanted to eat ice cream. A lot of it. But get this; I didn’t
gain any weight. It knew how to manipulate my body, including my brain,
and revved up my metabolism. We ate piles of pastries for breakfast,
burgers for lunch, pizza for dinner with a side of pasta, and chocolate in
between. Oh, and don’t forget the ice cream.

All kinds of ice cream. I
became a connoisseur of the stuff, gleefully helping it navigate things like
the Internet so we could find the best ice cream. And my body looked better
than it had in years—my waist snatched, my breasts perky, and my butt
could have been a stunt double for Jennifer Lopez (back when she first
started acting). For that alone, I would have welcomed the demon with open

My demon also loved to go shopping. Unfortunately, I didn’t have
the bank account for its tastes. It wanted designer. It wanted to shop with a
glass of champagne in its hand. It wanted a black American Express card.
So, it kinda, well, put on the charm with every wealthy individual we met.

And before you go there, no, it did not put out. It was a bit of a tease, but
also a lady. Frankly, I was impressed with the way it could get people to
buy us things without doing anything beyond keeping them company and
providing engaging conversation. I thought only beautiful women could get
away with that. I wasn’t ugly, but I was far from buy-me-a-Prada pretty. My
red hair was too orange, my skin covered in freckles, and my face was,
well, more wallflower than rare orchid. I did like my eyes. They were a nice
shade of green—pale pistachio with a ring of emerald around them. But
everything else was sort of ho-hum.

It was the demon who made me shine. There was the body
makeover, which in itself was miraculous, but then it showed me the secrets
of beautiful women. My demon taught me about colors and which ones
were best for me. It dyed my hair a deeper shade, applied my makeup with
the kind of expertise influencers strive for, and chose garments that
enhanced the body it built for me. I went from a mouse to a model under the
demon’s care. And people noticed. Rich people.

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