Treachery in Death (IN DEATH #32) by J. D. Robb EPUB & PDF

Treachery in Death (IN DEATH #32) by J. D. Robb EPUB & PDF

Treachery in Death (IN DEATH #32) by J. D. Robb EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: J. D. Robb
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Thriller / Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

bubble gum. Cracked tubes of soft drinks, power drinks, sports drinks
spilled out of the smashed glass of their cooler in colorful rivers. Tattered
bags of soy chips spread over the floor of the little market, crushed to pulp.
On the wall behind the counter hung a framed photo featuring a much
younger version of the dead man and a woman Eve assumed was his widow
standing arm-in-arm in front of the market. Their faces shone with pride and
humor, and all the possibilities of the future.

That young, happy man’s future had ended today, she thought, in a puddle
of blood and snack foods.
In the middle of death and destruction, Lieutenant Eve Dallas stood
studying the body while the first officer on scene filled her in.

“He’s Charlie Ochi. He and his wife ran this market for damn near fifty
The muscle jumping in his jaw told Eve he’d known the victim.
“Mrs. Ochi’s in the back, got the MTs with her.” The muscle jumped
again. “They smacked her around some on top of it.”

“Three, she said. Three males, early twenties. She said one’s white, one’s
black, and one’s Asian. They’ve come in before, got run off for shoplifting.
They had some kind of homemade device, the best she can say. Jammed the
security cam with it.”

He jerked his chin toward the camera. “Stoned senseless, she thinks,
laughing like hyenas, stuffing candy bars in their pockets. Smacked her with
some kind of sap when she tried to stop them. Then the old guy came out,
they smacked him but he kept at them. One of them shoved the device into
his chest. Mrs. Ochi said he dropped like a stone. They grabbed a bunch of
shit—candy, chips, like that—laughing all the while, smashed the place up
some and ran out.”

“She gave you a description?”
“Pretty good one, too. Better yet, we’ve got a wit saw them run out who
recognized one of them. Bruster Lowe—goes by Skid. Said they took off
south, on foot. Wit’s Yuri Drew. We’ve got him outside. He called it in.”
“Okay, stand by, Officer.” Eve turned to her partner. “How do you want to
work it?” When Peabody blinked her dark eyes, Eve told her, “You take
primary on this one. How do you want to work it?”

“Okay.” Peabody’s detective shield wasn’t spanking, but it was still pretty
shiny. Eve let her take a moment, align her thoughts.

“Let’s run Lowe, get an address, a sheet if he’s got one. We might get
known companions. We need to get the descriptions out now, add the names
when and if. I want these assholes picked up quick and fast.”

Eve watched her former aide, and current partner, gain confidence as she
“We need the sweepers here. These dickheads probably left prints and
trace everywhere. We’ll see what we’ve got on security before they jammed
it, leave the rest to EDD.”

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