Trapped with her Highland Warrior (A HIGHLANDER’S OATH #4) by Maddie MacKenna EPUB & PDF

Trapped with her Highland Warrior (A HIGHLANDER’S OATH #4) by Maddie MacKenna EPUB & PDF

Trapped with her Highland Warrior (A HIGHLANDER’S OATH #4) by Maddie MacKenna EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maddie MacKenna
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.1 MB
  • Price: Free

“It’s yer duty, Scarlett. Ye will be a pleasing wife to a great man.”
Laird O’Neill’s words hung hot in the air between them.
This was not the first time they had argued about Reuben Buchan, but it
definitely felt like the last. Scarlett wrenched open the window of the
carriage to clear the repetitive argument from her mind. Her father was
casually tossing duty around, and it made her feel like even more of a
burden to her family than usual as an unmarried lass of twenty-two.

“But he’s despicable, Faither, and stuck in the drink, and—and he’s
violent!” Scarlett protested, appealing to one of her father’s least tolerated
behaviors, but her mother wrapped a hand lightly around her balled fist in a
desperate effort to keep the peace.

“Scarlett, Mack, can we nae have just one day where we dinnae fight? We
can talk about this later. Peace for now, please,” Sienna suggested to them
both and released Scarlett’s hand.

Despite her mother’s plea for them to remain civil with each other, Mack
Paton was a prideful man. His stubbornness on the matter remained
unchanged, his decision remained final, and he was set to have the last

“Yer maither told me that ye wished to have a say in who ye would marry,
and I’ll hear nay more about it. Laird Donaldson will be here tonight with
his son and heir, the young Buchan of course, and ye two will be formally
introduced.” He punctuated his demand by pointing one of his fingers in
Scarlett’s face, which set her teeth on edge.

The Patons’ carriage moved swiftly through the tilled fields of Clan
McLaren. They journeyed from O’Neill lands with several of their
clansmen in tow for a week-long feast at Castle McLaren to celebrate the
end of the five-year war. This marked a time for unity, remembrance, and,
of course, the first of several opportunities for the Lairds to sign new trade
treaties and structure new alliances in the form of marriages. There were
going to be many other clans in attendance, and Scarlett would be furious if
she was betrothed to the despicable Reuben Buchan at the end of this week.

She bit her cheek and thought up a way to sway her father.
I should tell him about the story I heard of what Reuben did to that French
woman. Her screams could be heard throughout the town.

Her father’s boastful lecturing droned on and on as they passed through the
gates of Castle McLaren. The ride was almost over, and despite her father’s
efforts, Scarlett was determined to get her point across.

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