Training Tristan (SUBMISSIVES OF RAWHIDE RANCH #6) by Ann Mayburn EPUB & PDF

Training Tristan (SUBMISSIVES OF RAWHIDE RANCH #6) by Ann Mayburn EPUB & PDF

Training Tristan (SUBMISSIVES OF RAWHIDE RANCH #6) by Ann Mayburn EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ann Mayburn
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I smiled down at the sprite-like maid scowling at me with her hands on
her hips, her curly pink pigtails bouncing as she said, “Mr. Tristan, you
know you’re not supposed to wear your boots in here after you come in
from the stables.”
“Sorry about that.” I took a seat on the brightly painted blue rocking
chair near the double front doors of the main building as I pulled off my
worn cowboy boots. “I was helping Wren out in the stables when I got the
text from Derek to come see him.”

Picking up the broom from where she’d set it against the wall, Maisey
gave a huff and a narrow-eyed look that had me neatly setting my boots out
of the way as I stood there in my socks. Despite being half my size and
resembling an anime character wearing a maid costume that was all ruffles
and black lace along with pink cat ears, Maisey took her job of keeping the
main building of the resort clean very seriously. One might think that
because she was a submissive, she’d be all blushes and subdued manners,

but she was just as fierce as any Dom when it came to protecting what she
loved. Kind of like me. I was big, bald, and built like a professional wrestler
thanks to my dedication in the gym. Looking at me you’d think I always
had to be in charge. But like Maisey, I was also submissive.

Just of a very different flavor than most subs on the Ranch. High power,
a handful, hard to break—there were a dozen different ways to describe my
lifestyle, but none of them exactly fit. Hell, I didn’t even know how to
describe myself, so it was no surprise others floundered as well. All I knew
was when a powerful woman held me under her control, when I could
forget about the world and live for her pleasure, I was in heaven.

Giving Maisey a nod, I walked past her and into the large foyer, raising
my hand in greetings as a busy Luna gave me an absent wave. There was
some famous burlesque star coming in this weekend to teach some classes
on manners and dancing or some shit. I wasn’t sure what the big deal was,
but I knew that we were almost at max capacity, and everyone was busting
their ass to make sure things were running smoothly. We were also hosting
our annual Teddy Bear Picnic which always drew a crowd, and I’d been
working from dawn to dusk with everyone else employed at the Ranch to
get everything ready.

The large foyer of the main building echoed with the sounds of at least a
hundred people talking and laughing. There was a line at the reception desk
of people dressed mostly in what I considered their “real world” clothes
holding their suitcases. Their nervous energy and sense of anticipation
rolled over me as I strolled past. A harried-looking male service submissive
almost ran me over with a luggage rack as he rushed past, and the ding of
the elevators was a near constant background noise.

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