Traditions of Love by Renee Anne EPUB & PDF

Traditions of Love (BOSTON BESTIES #1) by Renee Anne EPUB & PDF

Traditions of Love (BOSTON BESTIES #1) by Renee Anne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Renee Anne
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

The summer heat had settled over Boston, stifling the city and making
my stressful day feel like I was walking through the garbage pail of

I was in a bad mood before my phone rang, but as I looked down seeing
Enzo’s name, my already trash day managed to get that much worse; if
Enzo called, there was going to be more problems for me to solve.
“Did you get everything signed?” I asked in greeting, checking my
watch and feeling the pinch of a headache coming on strong.

He was currently at City Hall, getting all the permits signed off so we
could open the restaurant for a grand July 1st opening. The long holiday
weekend would drive extra business for us. The club would end up bringing
in a huge amount of money as soon as everything was signed off but, if it
wasn’t done. I was risking losing a lot of money if this wasn’t completed on

Worse than the loss of money, would be seeing my father’s look of
embarrassment as his heir tried to go straight and failed at it. I could already
feel the way he looked at me, wishing that he had another son to take over
the family. But he got me, Dante Luchese, New England playboy, if the
magazines were to be believed.

In this case they were to be believed.
Probably another thing my father was disappointed with me about.
He was quiet for a second and I knew that the dinner I was already
running late for was going to be pushed back further. Which was just what I
needed, another reason for my father to be mad at me.

“I’ll be there in five minutes.” My clipped tone came out before I hung
up, sweat trickling along the back of my neck as I checked the speedometer
and then glanced at the clock in my dash, foot getting heavier as I headed to
get the job done myself.

I should have known better than to let someone else handle this.
This was my dream to work on and the burden of making sure that
every i was dotted and t was crossed fell to my shoulders.

Just something else for them to hold. .
My headache was a dull throb, lingering from the phone call yesterday
with my father. He told me that there were expectations about my life that
needed to be filled. Opening this club was not part of the expectations, but
what he called a hobby for me. A hobby that would make clean money, give
us more legitimate business than not.

Dinner with him was where I had been heading before getting
sidetracked with the business of the club. This was business, after all, and
not a hobby, as he had callously insinuated.

Always business.
Not that the dinner would be any different because I knew my father
was up to something with this meal. He wasn’t the type to meet outside of
our family home for a meal if it wasn’t for something that would benefit the

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