Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith EPUB & PDF

Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith EPUB & PDF

Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Amy Goldsmith
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Greek & Roman Myths & Legends
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Eos had six decks, two swimming pools, five themed restaurants (one
with an à la carte menu—whatever that meant), and a fully equipped gym.
The jewel of the Atlantic.
At that point, I could pretty much have worked as a rep for the damn
ship, I’d spent so long obsessively rereading the single sheet of information
SeaMester had provided, which Dad had wonkily printed at work. I’d
folded and unfolded it, tracing the well-worn creases that obscured the ink
in places, while barren fields and nameless gray towns flew by the window.
Constantly checking that it was actually my name there, typed at the top,
and not some mistake.

From ccs on the email confirming my place, I’d figured out there were
six of us—including my friend Will and me—embarking on this grand
opportunity across the Atlantic. The seventh name listed, the sender, was
the group leader of this year’s SeaMester (Experience education—at sea!),
one Mr. Justin Ashburnham, who, judging by the thumbnail on the
SeaMester website, was almost as young as us.
An entire term at sea, calling at ports I’d only ever dreamed of visiting,
all in the name of cultural enrichment—my eyes grew wider every time
they scanned the list of destinations: New York, Miami, Buenos Aires,

Both Will and I had applied for the opportunity on a whim after a
suggestion from Mr. Simmons, our form tutor, but neither of us had thought
any more about it after we’d clicked the submit button. Winning some fancy
enrichment trip aboard a cruise ship wasn’t supposed to happen to invisible
kids like me. So months later, when the email from SeaMester pinged into
my inbox, I almost deleted it, thinking that sending the application had only
led to me being added to yet another mailing list.
But as I took in the subject line, my entire body began to shake, my
finger still poised over Delete.

Congratulations, Ms. Olivia Larkin! Your application has been
I read the email within a second, gobbling it down greedily with my
eyes, then read it again and then once more, sure I’d missed some small
detail that would bar me from the trip. But eventually I allowed it to sink in.
It was all there. Clearly typed in black-and-white, size 12, Times New
Roman. My application had been successful. I’d won a scholarship aboard a
luxury world cruise—all expenses paid.

Mum immediately called every living member of family we had in the
world, then held an open conference with our neighbors, ardently gabbling
on about things she’d never once mentioned to me: my immense literary
talent; how she had known, the moment I picked up a crayon at two years
old, that I was destined for greatness and so on.

And since then, I’d spent every single minute daydreaming. Imagining
myself as one of those stylish travel influencers who constantly filled my
social feeds, my vintage suitcase beautifully packed, ready to vlog my every
experience. Picturing myself on the bus down to Southampton, sitting next
to some cute Brazilian student who I’d start a passionate (though ultimately

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