This is Hawkward by Joelle Evans EPUB & PDF

This is Hawkward (TUFT SWALLOW) by Joelle Evans EPUB & PDF

This is Hawkward (TUFT SWALLOW) by Joelle Evans EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Joelle Evans
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

“Shit, shit, shit!” I yell from the top of the desk. “My jitter glitter!”
I drop the paper lantern I’m trying to hang from the ceiling and
climb down. I am this close to being finished with my classroom
decorating, so of course I knock over a recycled butter tub full of confetti
(because I would never be sadistic enough to give actual glitter to a bunch
of six-year-olds) with my stupid foot.
“Are you okay? I heard swearing.” A friendly looking younger woman
rushes in.

“I promise I won’t swear in front of the kids,” I offer, mostly meaning
it. But I can’t fully commit to anything because I’m staring at a floor full of
colorful metallic stars and moons that need to be cleaned up. It looks like a
herd of incontinent unicorns just stampeded through. I immediately drop to
all fours and start gathering up handfuls to put back in the tub. “I’m never
going to be ready before they get here,” I moan. It’s Back to School Night,
and considering it’s my first year teaching in this town, I was hoping to
make a better impression.

“Don’t worry!” the woman says. “I have the solution!” She runs off
before I can even ask her name.

“Cheese and rice, this furniture is so tiny,” I mutter as I try to gather the
confetti that’s under the little desk. I’m so focused on my task that I don’t
even realize my ass is completely up in the air until I hear the woman come
back into the room. Sorry, kind stranger, but you’re going to have to deal
with my backside for a few minutes.

“First graders are so much smaller than middle schoolers,” I remark to
her. “I’m not used to it.”
A decidedly masculine throat clears and I realize either the teacher
offering to help me smoked a pack of cigarettes after she left, or there is a
random man staring at my rump.

Please don’t be a student’s dad, please don’t be a student’s dad…
I jolt up, hitting the back of my head on the desk. “Son of a bitch!” I rub
the spot on my scalp and stand to see my new visitor.

“I promise I won’t
swear in front…” my voice trails off while I drink in this tall glass of water.
His eyes are a deep, soulful brown, and the scruff of his face matches the
thick, dark hair that he’s running his fingers through. He’s wearing the most
god awful baggy gray sweatsuit I’ve ever seen, but even that doesn’t detract
from his hotness.

Please don’t be a student’s dad, please don’t be a student’s dad…
He seems to evaluate me as well, but we’re interrupted before I can say

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