They Were Roommates by Dawn Cutler-Tran EPUB & PDF

They Were Roommates by Dawn Cutler-Tran EPUB & PDF

They Were Roommates by Dawn Cutler-Tran EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Dawn Cutler-Tran
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Lesbian Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

one last kiss before he left.
“I’ll see you tonight?” he asked as warm, soft lips brushed his ear.
“See you tonight, sexy.”
Chris, Frankie’s latest hookup, bit into the soft flesh of his earlobe,
pulling on it for just a beat before he released Frankie and walked down the
hall to his own class.

Frankie shook his shoulders and straightened his polo shirt. He liked to
think of his style as unpretentiously preppy. Some of his friends had coined
it “gay on vacation,” but so what if he loved how the pastels accentuated his
pale skin, and he enjoyed the slimmer cut of polos, cardigans, and sweaters?
He also was gay, or bi, or pan, or whatever, so they could all just suck a
dick. Or rather, he would suck a dick, most likely Chris’s that night at the
frat party they were going to. He’d been seeing Chris for all of six days
since the last frat party he’d attended the weekend before.

The guy didn’t
want anything serious, but he wasn’t closeted like some of the other guys on
campus. In general, most of the campus was pretty queer friendly, this frat
included, but there was still a lot of toxic masculinity on Greek row, as well
as in some of the clubs and groups Frankie had sampled throughout his
three years in college.

Frankie was getting tired of it. He loved a nice, muscular jock as much
as the next gay, but what he really wanted was a guy who wasn’t afraid to
challenge his own masculinity and question the more typical gender roles.
Or perhaps a nice woman who could peg him into the mattress and have
him begging for more. He was a complex guy, what could he say?
He strolled leisurely to his next class, not really thinking the extra
minute it would take him to arrive would be any more egregious than the
nine minutes he was already late.

This was one of Frankie’s favorite classes,
and the professor was great, a young woman who treated her students like
colleagues, not subordinates. Maybe that was the difference between
college and graduate-level courses. Frankie’s advisor had suggested he take
the 501 Entrepreneurship class as an elective, and Frankie hadn’t regretted
his decision for a moment. They were only partway into the semester, but
he felt like he had learned more in this class than his past three years in
school combined.

The caliber of the students helped. A lot of them were taking the class to
network to try to suss out future business partners. Frankie wasn’t sure if he
wanted to start his own business, but he wasn’t opposed, and some of his
classmates would make excellent business partners. As he walked into
class, he ducked his head and waved shyly to Dr. Thompson, who nodded at
him, not missing a beat in her lecture, which was apparently on small
business insurance.

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