Their Omega Partridge in a Pear Tree by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF

Their Omega Partridge in a Pear Tree by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF

Their Omega Partridge in a Pear Tree by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Lorelei M. Hart
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Wynter Hallow’s town hall auditorium had never looked worse.
Cardboard boxes of decorations lined one wall, some full, some empty.
Another stack of boxes stood up against the stage, along with two Christmas
trees, one bent at a painful angle, the other shedding its fake needles leaving
naked branches poking up. It might have looked okay for Halloween, but not
for Christmas.

Natalie, the assistant mayor, was trying to sing “The Twelve Days of
Christmas” to the accompaniment of our very talented Deena but,
unfortunately, on an out-of-tune piano. She was trying very very hard. And
not succeeding.

I stood at the front row, typing notes as fast as I could on my tablet. Need
new trees stat. Make appointment for piano tuner. Fire Natalie.
I deleted that last comment. You couldn’t fire volunteers.
This Christmas show was a talent contest. Anyone was allowed to join,
even the talentless.

All were vying to win the big prize which was a hundreddollar check and gift cards to Chaz’s Candy and Ice Cream Shoppe; Gramma
Ethyl’s Café; and Burke’s Bead, Costume, and Craft Store.
I tried not to wince as Natalie’s voice tripped and fell over the lyrics and
tune change in, “Five–five–five golden rings.” It was actually “gold rings”
but few people knew that.

I saw the shadow before I felt something come up behind me. I turned,
the music making my ears ache, and saw Harry and Todd, two brothers who
ran Valley Handyman Services, dragging two metal stands and two wreaths
down the aisle.

“Hey, Chane! We got the wreaths. And they came with stands! Isn’t that
cool?” Todd did a little dance before setting his wreath on the tripod support.
Harry kicked at the legs on his, which was threatening to fall over, and
hung his wreath. It fell halfway down.

“Well, you get the picture,” he said, grabbing it.
“But aren’t they cool?” Todd asked. “Flowers for Christmas. Not so
ordinary. Pink. Yellow. Purple. Pretty, eh?”
I blinked. “Guys. Uh. Those aren’t for Christmas.”
“What do you mean?” Todd put his hands on his hips, staring at his

“Any wreaths can do for Christmas, right?” Harry asked.
“Nope. Sorry. Those are funeral wreaths. While this show is nothing
short of a total disaster so far, it’s not yet time to bury it.”

They both looked completely surprised. They might be good at plumbing
and fixing roof leaks, but they knew nothing about floral arrangements,
which I should have predicted.I waved at the wreaths. “Take them away, please. Out back to the
dumpster will be fine. And if you can, please take those two Christmas trees
as well.”

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