Their Love Nest (THE MEN OF EVERGREEN MOUNTAIN #2) by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF

Their Love Nest (THE MEN OF EVERGREEN MOUNTAIN #2) by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF

Their Love Nest (THE MEN OF EVERGREEN MOUNTAIN #2) by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Frankie Love
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

THE GAS GAUGE needle inches lower and lower, leaving me anxious
that at any moment, my car is going to sputter out and die, leaving me
stranded on the side of this rural backwater road.
I am grateful Savvy and Hunter insisted I come out here as I make a
new plan for my life. The old diner where Savvy used to work, with me as
the manager, just went out of business. Without family to fall back on, I feel
like Savvy and her new husband are my guardian angels.

I reach the end of the road, and the car’s engine is turned off, thankfully
because I wanted it to, not because I’m out of gas. Hunter says he has a
jerry can full of fuel for me to help me get to the next gas station, when I
texted showing my concern about how I couldn’t even afford an extra
gallon at the nearest filling station.

The sun shines on my face as I step out of the car and take in the fresh
forest air. I’m incredibly jealous of what Savvy has up here. I’d never let
her know it, but her whole fairy tale of getting swept up by a hot, sexy
mountain man is something I wished would happen to me. But lightning
never strikes twice. I’ll have to find my own, one way or another.

Hunter and Savvy have this lovely little cabin in Evergreen Valley, one
that’s rapidly expanding. Hunter has talent as a carpenter and is putting it to
use on their home, and the growing little family they have going: something
I’m reminded of as Savvy comes out onto the porch, a spring in her step,
and a bit messy herself. Being a new mother will do that to anyone.
I’m then hit with the sweet smell of barbecue, my stomach rumbling. A
diet consisting of ramen and peanut butter sandwiches will do that to you.
I’m feeling a craving for meat at that moment.

“Char, you made it. Your car didn’t break down!”
Savvy rushes out, not too fast, and wraps her arms around me.
“Thankfully. Although, I think making even one wrong turn could have
changed that.”

She looks me over, likely seeing my tired eyes and complete lack of
makeup. “You look rough as hell, girl.”
“Thanks, I didn’t need you to point that out.”
She shakes her head, giving me that usual sassy glare.
I pause. “Sorry, it’s been really hard. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I
know you mean well.”

Savvy and I have a lot in common. We come from broken homes with
controlling parents who expected respect while never doing anything to
earn it. I tried to look out for her when she first started at the diner, and I
think I may have come off as slightly abrasive. But that’s in the past now,

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