Their Cursed Wolves by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF

Their Cursed Wolves (KINGDOM OF SHIFTERS AND WITCHES #2) by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF

Their Cursed Wolves (KINGDOM OF SHIFTERS AND WITCHES #2) by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lacey Carter Andersen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.7 MB
  • Price: Free

The air is crisp, carrying with it the promise of a new day. It’s been
more than a week since I came to this shifter castle, and I’m excited to be
able to finally get to explore the town better. And with a new friend. A new
friend who has been visiting me often. Unlike my husbands, who only show
up at bedtime.

This part of the town is familiar to me, because it’s similar to the path I
take to get to the blacksmith’s shop each day, but Lady Scarlet has promised
to show me even more. She says we will be shopping, together, and
exploring, together.

Is this what it’s like to have a friend?
As I turn to Lady Scarlet, I see that she has a smile dancing across her
face, and I don’t blame her: this shifter town is beautiful. It’s so different
from back home. In the Witch Territories, girls spend their days indoors
training in the different magical disciplines, while the boys follow their
fathers, learning practical skills, working jobs that don’t require magic.
There’s simply no time for anything else. Here, children are everywhere,
close to their families. Happy and full of life.

It feels… so different. Better.
“It must have been amazing to grow up in this town,” I tell her.
She tucks her long blonde hair back behind one ear, and her smile
widens. “I didn’t grow up on Prince Arlys’s lands. I visited a lot, though.”
“Really?” How did that work?

She nods. “My parents have their own manor a few hours from here. It’s
not as grand as the castle, and the town is much smaller, but I like it. I just
come here when I want a little space from my family.”
“Space?” I say, snorting as a few people pass us, and they cast us
curious glances. “What’s that?”

“Did you not get a lot of space back home?” she asks, clearly curious.
“I got more when my mom went to battle…” I stop. She doesn’t need
me to remind her that my mother has killed countless of her kind. The
shifter and witch battles are always in the back of everyone’s minds already
when they see me here–no need to attract more attention to it. “But
regardless of whether she was in town or not, her instructions were
followed by our people. I was mostly isolated, learning one-on-one with a
tutor. If I wasn’t learning I was alone in my room, or alone outdoors, when I
could get away.”

There’s no way I’m going to describe the extent to which my studies
intensified because of how bad I was with magic, nor that even when I had
an opportunity to be around others, it didn’t go well, because no one wanted
me around. I can’t tell her to imagine walking into any room and having all
the people either instantly ignore you or actively treat you like shit.
No normal person understands that level of soul-deep loneliness.
She smiles. “Well, between Princes Rinan, Arlys, and Drogo, you won’t
be alone much.”

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