The Witch & the Tiger (DREADMOR DARK ACADEMY #3) by Lisa Daniels EPUB & PDF

The Witch & the Tiger (DREADMOR DARK ACADEMY #3) by Lisa Daniels EPUB & PDF

The Witch & the Tiger (DREADMOR DARK ACADEMY #3) by Lisa Daniels EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lisa Daniels
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Magic didn’t always have logic to it. Sometimes, it seemed that other places
and other realms just casually bumped into each other, spilling over their
contents. This seemed to be how Dreadmor Academy functioned as well –
casually bumping into non-human places and yet somehow existing side by
side with them.

Honestly, Willow found the whole concept a little insane. Wild magic,
non-human creatures – they presented a danger and mystery to those who
lived on Earth. Wild magic areas – otherworldly spots – usually had clear
borders. Where the richest academies held their summer camp program,
there was a wild magic area defined by a clear boundary and a posted
warning to the campers who went there. Other places all over the world
followed this example.

Then, you had a school where no such boundaries existed.
“You know,” Harrow said, glaring at Willow, “if the whole lack of
boundary thing is a big issue for you, you could always just transfer to
another one of the academies.”

They sat together on one of the ivy-laced stone benches in the Triscor
Garden, where some of the oddly lifelike statues were located. “When you
come here, you sign up for a deep connection to wild magic. It’s supposed
to be what gives Dreadmor students an edge compared to all the other

“It’s still insanely dangerous,” Willow said, even though, yes, she did
sign up for Dreadmor. Of course, logically, she knew at the time that she’d
be getting herself in deep, but it hadn’t truly registered just… how deep the
situation would be. In the three years she’d been at Dreadmor, at least three
students had mysteriously gone missing; others had been expelled, and she
was about eighty percent convinced that the Triscor Garden statues were
people who’d been enchanted and turned into stone.

Still, after four years of dubious magical activity and lessons, she
could flee elsewhere or stay longer to gain a master’s in a chosen subject
and stay longer. Maybe she’d become one of those perpetual student types
who never entered the real world since, even now, she still didn’t know
what she really wanted to do.

Go to Dreadmor, her mother had said. It’s a wonderful place. I went
there, and look how I turned out!
She turned out to be a witch selling potions and charms to normal
humans in a kooky little shop. Some of the potions worked, some of them,
well, didn’t.

Willow, not knowing what else to do, went to Dreadmor because her
mother did. And as insane as the place was – she was reticent about leaving.
“Danger is part of the fun,” Harrow said, flicking a speck of dust or
maybe dandruff from her hair. “Things got pretty freaking dangerous at the
summer camp. We’re not really supposed to talk much about it, but… let’s
just say that after experiencing the camp, the academy is like a day at the

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