The Winning Ticket by Allison A. Andrews EPUB & PDF

The Winning Ticket (CIRCLE OF FRIENDS #1)by Allison A. Andrews EPUB & PDF

The Winning Ticket (CIRCLE OF FRIENDS #1)by Allison A. Andrews EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Allison A. Andrews
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Today started with such promise. It’s my last day of work before my
holiday, and all I need to do is hand over the projects I am currently
working on to the team assistant, Sarah. I’ve been working on the accounts
of our three largest clients, but they are pretty straightforward. I am
confident that Sarah won’t make any mistakes, as I’ve set up everything to
release on a schedule; she simply needs to work with the social media team
to monitor the comments sections and track website traffic.

I look out the window as I head for my office, blinded momentarily by
the summer sun reflecting off the water in Sydney Harbour. No matter how
long I’ve worked here, I’m still in awe of this amazing view. The office is
on the fortieth floor, and we can see all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
As I sit down on the fitball that my boss insists we all must use to start
going through everything with Sarah, a message comes through on my

Miss Brianna Watkins – This confirms that the transfer of your
details for flight ATF55 is complete.
I read the message several times, then send a quick message to my
boyfriend, Richard, asking him to look into it for me. He and his assistant
had made all the arrangements for our trip, and I assume he’s had his travel
agent make some last-minute changes.

“I’m so jealous. I wish I were going to Thailand for two weeks. Have
you ever been before?” Sarah asks, staring wistfully at the background of
my computer, a beach with crystal clear water lined with coconut trees.
I’d changed it the week before to try and hype myself up for the trip, but
it hasn’t really worked.

“Yeah, we go every year. Richard has work to do there, so it’s not really
a holiday for him. I actually would have preferred to go somewhere else
this year,” I say, rechecking my phone to see if anything has come through.
Still nothing.

“Oh really? Like where?” Sarah asks.
“I kind of just want to chill out somewhere in the mountains or
something. I’m not really a beach person. I’d rather just hang out with a
book by an open fire instead of lying on a beach in my skimpy bikini,” I say
with a shrug.

Sarah blinks at me for a moment. I can tell she can’t really relate.
“Isn’t your boyfriend some famous photographer for, like, swimwear
and lingerie models?”

“Yeah. That’s what he’s doing over there – he’s got a shoot for the first
week, and then we’re heading to one of his client’s private islands for the
second week,” I say, scrolling through my personal email on my phone.

There’s also an email accompanying the text message. I quickly scan it,
but I don’t understand what it says. It seems to be about a transfer. Did he
change our flights to a different day?
“And you’re not excited about that?” Sarah asks, the disbelief evident in
her tone.

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