The Wild Thyme Farm Murder by Judi Daykin EPUB & PDF

The Wild Thyme Farm Murder by Judi Daykin EPUB & PDF

The Wild Thyme Farm Murder by Judi Daykin EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Judi Daykin
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Heist Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.4 MB
  • Price: Free

It was officially the hottest summer on record. Despite the air conditioning
going full tilt, the office of the Serious Crimes Unit at Norfolk
Constabulary’s Wymondham HQ was unbearably close and airless.
Detective Sergeant Sara Hirst contemplated opening a window, knowing it
was pointless. It would only let in more hot air. She could see that the plants
around the edge of the car park were all either dead or dying, just like in her
unmanageable garden. It had been weeks since there’d been any rain. It
wasn’t just Monday that was making the team lethargic. Mercifully, they
weren’t busy.

Pulling her plaited dreads tighter in their chic ponytail to keep them off
the back of her neck, Sara looked at the incident board, where DCI Hayley
Hudson was idly turning a pen in her sunburned hand. Hudson had admitted
to forgetting to rub lotion there when she’d walked at the coast over the

Sara knew better. It could feel much fresher on the coast, especially on
the cliffs or beaches, but she wasn’t fooled by the deceptive lifting of the
stifling heat. The sun was still strong. Sara might be half Jamaican, but it
didn’t mean her skin wouldn’t burn, despite some of her colleagues’ suspect
jokes. There were three bottles of suntan lotion of varying strengths in her
handbag under the desk.

‘Let’s try again,’ sighed Hudson. She tapped at the map fastened to the
incident board. It was covered in sticky notes. ‘Can anyone see a pattern?’
‘Sounds like a question on one of those TV quiz shows.’ DC Mike
Bowen stretched languidly in his chair and yawned. His rotund food-baby
stomach made his shirt buttons strain. Sitting behind him at her desk, their
civilian admin Aggie tutted quietly. He swung his chair round and smiled at
her. ‘All right, missus?’

‘There are a couple more incidents just in,’ said DC Ian Noble. ‘I’d like
to try something different.’

Gripping a piece of paper with a printed spreadsheet and a packet of
coloured sticky dots, he walked to the board. His uncoordinated arms and
legs frequently made Sara think of the cartoon character Inspector Gadget.
Noble seemed less bothered by the heat than the rest, as if his height
somehow made him cooler, though Sara was sure that hot air was supposed
to travel upwards. He began to remove the bits of paper.
‘It’s too confusing like that,’ said DI Edwards. ‘Make some sense of it,

The DI lounged in a spare chair in the main office, arms spread out
along the desk behind him. Sara had worked with Edwards for three years
now. In that time, she’d watched him grow more distinguished-looking, his
hair becoming peppered with grey, and fine lines gathering around his
mouth and eyes. He was more contented these days than when Sara had
first joined the team. He even had a whacky-looking lady friend with
magenta hair who was an art professor at the Norwich University of the

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