The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride by Henrietta Harding EPUB & PDF

The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride by Henrietta Harding EPUB & PDF

The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride by Henrietta Harding EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Henrietta Harding
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

This room belonged to the Duke of Hillsburgh, meaning it was far too late
for Tabitha to flee. For a blissful moment, though, she imagined it. She
could rise to her feet, scream with reckless abandon, and run from this
magnificent townhouse.

That would certainly be a scandal, likely resulting in both of her longsuffering parents sending her to the country for a very long time. Perhaps
that would be preferable, but Tabitha knew she could not hide away forever.
Ladies of her status could not lead a single life hidden from the world.
Tabitha fidgeted with her gloves, picking at a loose thread near her
fingertip. It was unwise to pick at her gloves, but Tabitha supposed it was
preferable to fidgeting with her nails. She had the most dreadful habit of
picking at loose skin with her nails and picking and pulling until she made
herself bleed. It was not a habit that suited a young lady at all.

But then, young ladies do not act as I do.
That disgraceful night with Cassius still burned like a fire within her. It
seemed impossible that it had only been two weeks since that terrible event.
Tabitha felt like those few minutes had changed her life forever.
Tabitha’s mother sat on the settee beside her and placed a hand over her
daughter’s. “Tabby Cat,” she said. “Calm yourself. You act as if you have
never had a suitor before.”

Tabitha winced. Her mother was right; Tabitha had many suitors before.
Often, those visits began with her mother, her father, and herself seated in
the parlour together and waiting.

Her most recent suitor had been Cassius, and even though she knew that she
ought to detest him—for making her uncomfortable, for seemingly
dishonouring another young woman, for lying, for not even offering to
hasten their wedding after that night together to stave away further scandal,
and for fleeing to the country the very next morning after that terrible night
—she found that she could not. Tabitha was too kind or weak and could not
determine which it was.

“I apologize, Mother,” Tabitha said. “You are right.”
“You must be on your best behaviour,” Lady Mayhew said, her voice
softening with sympathy. “We need to please His Grace.”

“I know.”
Tabitha forced a smile. It would be practice for meeting His Grace. This
mess was one of her own making. Even though no one had yet spoken
about the terrible night, Lord and Lady Mayhew had both noted that
Cassius could still say something and if he did, Tabitha’s reputation would
be in tatters.

It was for the best that she wed quickly before Cassius told anyone. Once
Tabitha was wed, she would not need to worry about how to find a husband,
and it would matter significantly less what Cassius might say.

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