The Veil of Trust by S. Usher Evans EPUB & PDF

The Veil of Trust by S. Usher Evans EPUB & PDF

The Veil of Trust by S. Usher Evans EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: S. Usher Evans
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Fairy Tales & Folklore eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Hundreds of explosions! Wouldn’t stop. Fifty dead in twenty minutes!”
I turned my head slightly. Two old men were grousing over their
tankards in this busy tavern, filled with travelers on their way to and from
Forcadel. Being so close to the city was dangerous—sitting out in the open
even more so. But I was desperate for information, and my hood covered
much of my face.

“Never seen anything like it, not since the desert-dwellers invaded.”
I straightened, inching closer to hear better.
One of the old men shook his head. “Whoever did it was a monster,
that’s all I’m saying. You heard they took out Zuriel’s family? He hung

The mayor of Forcadel. I shifted closer to them, but any further
conversation was drowned out by another pair of merchants who sat at a
table between us and started a loud conversation on the price of beer.
Cursing softly, I averted my gaze to the empty bowl of stew. I had
gotten wisps of conversation about some attack that had just occurred in
Forcadel, but other than the general death and destruction, these patrons had
given up nothing more—nor had they shared with me their knowledge of
what had occurred upriver.

My ears perked up again.
“Haven’t been there myself in an age. Hear that gate is something to
“Yeah, I’ve only seen it from afar, but my cousin—he’s assigned to
Neveri’s fortresses—he said it’s pretty magnificent.”
Something uncomfortable slid down my spine. If this man’s cousin was
at the fortress, he was probably dead. Along with sixty Severians and fortytwo Forcadelians. Some with families—
I exhaled softly, clearing that train of thought before it got too far down
the path. It was done; there was nothing I could do about it now except to
keep fighting.

It had been less than a week since my small army had taken Neveri in
the name of Forcadel, though it felt more like a lifetime. The question was
—had news of this event come to the capital city yet, or more importantly,
to Queen Ilara? If so, it would complicate matters significantly. Hence my
precarious position here at this tavern, eavesdropping on half-drunk
conversations and trying to piece together contexts.

I thumbed the two pendants hanging from a chain around my neck. One
had belonged to Lieutenant Riya Kellis, one of my most loyal soldiers
who’d died in the ensuing battle in Neveri. The other was Captain Felix
Llobrega’s, who was beyond the city walls in Forcadel, as was Katarine, my
sister-in-law, and Beata, her girlfriend. Getting the three of them to safety
was my top priority, even before I thought about dislodging Ilara.

But instead of retrieving them myself, I’d sent along a pair of soldiers—
Jorad and Aline. In Neveri, around fifty Forcadelian soldiers had turned
against Ilara and sworn fealty to me. Only Jorad and Aline had
accompanied me here; the rest I’d asked to camp to the north of the capital
and await further instructions.

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