The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean EPUB & PDF

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean EPUB & PDF

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Liz Dean
  • Publish Date: May 15, 2015
  • Language: English
  • Genre: New Age Divination with Tarot
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 20  MB
  • Pages: 240
  • Price: Free
  • ISBN: 1592336574


Here we have a Magician in action, complete with magic wand and the
implements of his trade on the table before him: the suit symbols of the
Pentacle or coin, Cup, Sword, and Wand, representing the four elements of
earth, water, air, and fire, respectively. With these base materials, he sets an
intention to transmute them to create the fifth element of ether, or the
quintessence—the mythological “breath of the gods.” The Magician, who
once journeyed as the Fool, is now ready to manifest his desires by aligning
spirit and matter. As the conduit between earth and heaven, the Magician
stands for decisions and creativity. The roses and lilies growing above and
below him tell us that life can be beautiful when we commit to our passions.
In the major arcana sequence, the Magician comes after 0, The Fool,
although the Magician can also be seen as the first card of the cycle, as some
tarotists place the Fool after the World card as XXII.

The Magician is the
natural successor to the Fool as we move from 0, the cosmic egg, to I, the
individual: The Fool’s bundle contains the Magician’s four symbols, ready to
be activated. After the singular purpose of the Magician we meet II, The High
Priestess, who introduces us to the duality of life—the now and the hereafter.
The Magician’s number, I, is the first prime number, which stands for
primal energy, the individual, and oneness with the divine spirit or God. The
card is related to X, The Wheel of Fortune (10 reduces to 1), and XIX, or 19,
The Sun, which reduces to 10 then 1, the Magician’s number. Both these
cards link with an awareness of realms beyond the earthly plane.

The Magician’s ruling planet is Mercury, also the Roman god of magic—and
the Greek Hermes, god of communication, linked with the Egyptian god
Thoth. In alchemy, mercury’s form as quicksilver was associated with
transformation or the fifth element of ether. The element could also be
signified by the symbol of a snake, shown on the Magician’s serpent-girdle
(see The Magician’s Symbols).

The Hebrew letter of the Magician is Beth, symbolized by a house, meaning
creativity. On the Tree of Life pathway, the Magician is placed on the second
pathway between the spheres of Kether and Binah. Kether stands for unity,
echoing the card’s number, I, while Binah is the sphere of experience—

indicating practical magic and singular direction.
It’s time for action—for communicating and expressing your ideas and
desires. This is the card of the inventor, the traveler, the self-employed, and
the entrepreneur, as it beckons you to broaden your horizons. You will have
the drive to spur your plans forward, and, perhaps, to take new, creative
approaches: to think laterally, ask questions, trust your internal guidance, and
let go of procrastination.

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