The Thief’s Desire (SAGEPORT #3) by Sorcha Everhart EPUB & PDF

The Thief’s Desire (SAGEPORT #3) by Sorcha Everhart EPUB & PDF

The Thief’s Desire (SAGEPORT #3) by Sorcha Everhart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sorcha Everhart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

My fingers gripped the cold, uneven bricks as I scaled the townhouse’s wall
and felt the evening’s damp chill seep through my gloves. As my thin-soled
acrobat shoes found precarious purchase on the narrow ridges, my heart
pounded with both the exertion and the thrill. I pulled myself up, muscles
straining, and finally reached the roof. Crouching there to survey the
surroundings, I savored the exhilaration mixed with the threat of danger.

I enjoyed the rooftops of Sageport. There was a sense of freedom up there
that was hard to come by in the bustling city below. The rooftops were my
haven, my escape. I was struggling to make my way in a new city, but they
were a place I could leave expectations and ambition behind and simply be.
From the roofs, I could see the entire city spread out beneath me, a maze
of cobblestones and narrow alleys. I could watch the sun rise over the
Temple of Dawn, painting the sky in hues of gold and pink. Or I could see
the flickering lanterns of the night markets and the pools of warm light cast
by gas lamps in the Azure District. On clear nights when there was no
moon, I could even see the distant glimmer of the Fae Council’s castle in

Tonight, moonlight bathed the rooftops in a silvery glow, while the streets
below remained shrouded in shadow. I would have preferred to delay my
mission until a moonless night, but the Guild of Thieves and Spies wanted
Emil free from the local lock-up before the City Enforcers transferred him
to Ironhold Penitentiary. Once there, security would be much tighter, and
the chances of freeing him would plummet. Success on this mission could
give me the boost I needed for my standing within the guild.

From my perch on a neighboring roof, I studied the imposing stone
structure that housed the City Enforcers’ holding cells. The building’s walls
were bathed in a ghostly blue light, courtesy of the magical alarms that
protected it. As a human, I did not have the magic to negate those alarms,
but they had one weakness—they were not designed to detect someone
coming from above. Someone like me.

A grin crept across my face as I ran my fingers over the sleek, sturdy rope
coiled over my shoulder. The anticipation sent shivers of excitement down
my spine, and I felt the adrenaline surging within me like wildfire. I found a
place to hide my bow and quiver of arrows behind a chimney. As much as I
hated to leave them behind, I knew they would be more hindrance than help
on this mission. Agility and stealth would free Emil, not a ranged weapon.

I secured my long hair in a ponytail to keep it out of my way and made
one last check of my gear. Then, with silent steps, I slipped to the edge of
the rooftop and uncoiled my rope. I tied a loop in one end and waited,
watching. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter of the building, their
silhouettes moving like wind-up toys in the darkness. My eyes followed the
pattern of their rounds, ready for the perfect moment to make my move.

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